Multiplication Table of 8 - Solved Examples, PDF (2025)

Table of 8

Multiplication Table of 8 - Solved Examples, PDF (1)

The 8 times multiplication table, often known as the table of 8, illustrates the results of multiplying the number 8 by various whole numbers. This multiplication process is akin to adding the number 8 to itself a certain number of times. For example, multiplying 8 by 3 (8 x 3) mirrors the action of adding 8 three times over (8+8+8), culminating in 24. Expanding this method up to 20 times unveils a wide range of outcomes, making the multiplication table of 8 an essential tool for swift calculations, especially valuable during time-sensitive exams.

Understanding the table of 8 in various forms, including worksheets, charts, and printable multiplication aids, significantly supports its memorization, serving as a crucial educational asset. Mastery of the 8 times table is pivotal; it not only boosts mental math skills and enhances number sense but also establishes a solid groundwork for navigating more complex mathematical operations with confidence. Recognizing that the table of 8 embodies systematic additions of the number 8 is fundamental to mastering basic multiplication and division concepts

What is the Multiplication Table of 8?

The multiplication table of 8 is a fundamental math concept that helps students understand how to multiply numbers by 8. This table is an essential part of arithmetic that aids in quick calculation and serves as the foundation for more advanced math topics. Understanding the multiplication table of 8 means recognizing the pattern of adding 8 repeatedly and how it forms a sequence of numbers that are multiples of 8.

  • 8 times 1 is just 8. (8 x 1 = 8)Multiplying 8 by 1 means you have one group of 8, which gives us 8.
  • 8 times 2 means 8 added twice, which is 16. (8 x 2 = 16)When you multiply 8 by 2, it’s like having two groups of 8. Adding these two groups together gives us 16.

Multiplication Table of 8

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Multiplication (1-10)Multiplication (11-20)
8 x 1 = 88 x 11 = 88
8 x 2 = 168 x 12 = 96
8 x 3 = 248 x 13 = 104
8 x 4 = 328 x 14 = 112
8 x 5 = 408 x 15 = 120
8 x 6 = 488 x 16 = 128
8 x 7 = 568 x 17 = 136
8 x 8 = 648 x 18 = 144
8 x 9 = 728 x 19 = 152
8 x 10 = 808 x 20 = 160

Mastering the Multiplication Table of 8 is a vital step in enhancing mathematical skills, offering students a solid foundation for understanding multiplication, division, and beyond. This table, structured in two columns for numbers 1-10 and 11-20, is designed to facilitate easy learning and recall.

8 Times Table

8 x 18
8 x 216
8 x 324
8 x 432
8 x 540
8 x 648
8 x 756
8 x 864
8 x 972
8 x 1080

The 8 times table is a key math concept that students can master with practice. By visualizing the table in groups of 10, learners can better understand the pattern and rhythm of 8’s multiplications. A useful strategy is to double the 4 times table or add 8 sequentially to the previous result. Recognizing patterns, such as the even number sequence and the last digit’s repetition, aids in memorizatin.

Tricks to Remember Table of 8

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Tips for 8 Times Table

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1. Use Doubling: Double your number three times to get the result. It’s simple and builds on basic doubling.

2. Skip Counting: Count by 8s to memorize the sequence easily and effectively.

3. Visual Aids: Employ charts and flashcards for quick reference and memory aid.

4. Real-world Applications: Apply the table to everyday scenarios to understand its practical use.

5. Games and Apps: Utilize educational games and apps for a fun and engaging learning experience

Table of 8 from 11 to 20

8 x 1188
8 x 1296
8 x 13104
8 x 14112
8 x 15120
8 x 16128
8 x 17136
8 x 18144
8 x 19152
8 x 20160

Mastering the 8 times table beyond the basics, specifically from 11 to 20, fosters students’ numerical fluency and confidence. To simplify learning, one effective strategy is to break down the multiplication process into smaller, more manageable steps. For instance, students can learn to multiply by 10 and then add 8 successively to reach the desired number.

Simplest Way To Memorize Table 8

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28 + 816
38 + 8 + 824
48 + 8 + 8 + 832
58 + 8 + 8 + 8 + 840
68 + 8 + 8 + 8 + 8 + 848
78 + 8 + 8 + 8 + 8 + 8 + 856
88 + 8 + 8 + 8 + 8 + 8 + 8 + 864
98 + 8 + 8 + 8 + 8 + 8 + 8 + 8 + 872
108 + 8 + 8 + 8 + 8 + 8 + 8 + 8 + 8 + 880

This representation simplifies the multiplication process by showing how each result in the table of 8 can be seen as the sum of eights added together sequentially. This method is particularly useful for visual learners, as it clearly demonstrates the concept of multiplication as repeated addition

Representation of Multiplication Table as Addition

1. Multiplication by 3

Multiplication: 8 x 3

Addition Representation: 8 + 8 + 8

Result: 24

This shows that multiplying 8 by 3 is the same as adding three 8s together, which equals 24.

2. Multiplication by 5

Multiplication: 8 x 5

Addition Representation: 8 + 8 + 8 + 8 + 8

Result: 40

NumberAdditionAddition to Previous ResultResult
28 + 88 + 816
38 + 8 + 816 + 824
48 + 8 + 8 + 824 + 832
58 + 8 + 8 + 8 + 832 + 840
68 + 8 + 8 + 8 + 8 + 840 + 848
78 + 8 + 8 + 8 + 8 + 8 + 848 + 856
88 + 8 + 8 + 8 + 8 + 8 + 8 + 856 + 864
98 + 8 + 8 + 8 + 8 + 8 + 8 + 8 + 864 + 872
108 + 8 + 8 + 8 + 8 + 8 + 8 + 8 + 8 + 872 + 880

This representation simplifies the multiplication process by showing how each result in the table of 8 can be seen as the sum of eights added together sequentially. This method is particularly useful.

How to Read 8 Times Tables?

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Mastering the 8 times table is crucial for building a solid foundation in mathematics, enhancing mental calculation skills, and preparing for more complex mathematical challenges. Our guide is designed to simplify the learning process, presenting a clear, step-by-step approach that makes mastering the 8 times table both effective and enjoyable. By focusing on patterns, repetition, and practical applications, we aim to improve retention and ensure students can quickly recall and apply these multiplication facts..

One time 8 is 8

Two times 8 is 16

Three times 8 is 24

Four times 8 is 32

Five times 8 is 40

Six times 8 is 48

Seven times 8 is 56

Eight times 8 is 64

Nine times 8 is 72

Ten times 8 is 80

  • Start with Zero: Remember, any number multiplied by zero results in zero, making 8 x 0 = 0.
  • Increment by Eight: Move through the table by adding 8 each time. For example, from 8 x 1 = 8 to 8 x 2 = 16, and continue in this pattern.
  • Look for Patterns: Observe how each result is 8 more than the previous, aiding in predicting the next number in the sequence.
  • Memorization: Commit the table to memory to streamline future calculations, enhancing speed and accuracy.
  • Apply What You Learn: Incorporate the 8 times table into real-life scenarios, such as calculating quantities in eights, to reinforce understanding and utility.

Multiplication Table of 8 till 100

8 x 1 = 88 x 21 = 1688 x 41 = 3288 x 61 = 4888 x 81 = 648
8 x 2 = 168 x 22 = 1768 x 42 = 3368 x 62 = 4968 x 82 = 656
8 x 3 = 248 x 23 = 1848 x 43 = 3448 x 63 = 5048 x 83 = 664
8 x 4 = 328 x 24 = 1928 x 44 = 3528 x 64 = 5128 x 84 = 672
8 x 5 = 408 x 25 = 2008 x 45 = 3608 x 65 = 5208 x 85 = 680
8 x 6 = 488 x 26 = 2088 x 46 = 3688 x 66 = 5288 x 86 = 688
8 x 7 = 568 x 27 = 2168 x 47 = 3768 x 67 = 5368 x 87 = 696
8 x 8 = 648 x 28 = 2248 x 48 = 3848 x 68 = 5448 x 88 = 704
8 x 9 = 728 x 29 = 2328 x 49 = 3928 x 69 = 5528 x 89 = 712
8 x 10 = 808 x 30 = 2408 x 50 = 4008 x 70 = 5608 x 90 = 720
8 x 11 = 888 x 31 = 2488 x 51 = 4088 x 71 = 5688 x 91 = 728
8 x 12 = 968 x 32 = 2568 x 52 = 4168 x 72 = 5768 x 92 = 736
8 x 13 = 1048 x 33 = 2648 x 53 = 4248 x 73 = 5848 x 93 = 744
8 x 14 = 1128 x 34 = 2728 x 54 = 4328 x 74 = 5928 x 94 = 752
8 x 15 = 1208 x 35 = 2808 x 55 = 4408 x 75 = 6008 x 95 = 760
8 x 16 = 1288 x 36 = 2888 x 56 = 4488 x 76 = 6088 x 96 = 768
8 x 17 = 1368 x 37 = 2968 x 57 = 4568 x 77 = 6168 x 97 = 776
8 x 18 = 1448 x 38 = 3048 x 58 = 4648 x 78 = 6248 x 98 = 784
8 x 19 = 1528 x 39 = 3128 x 59 = 4728 x 79 = 6328 x 99 = 792
8 x 20 = 1608 x 40 = 3208 x 60 = 4808 x 80 = 6408 x 100 = 800

8 Times Table From 101 to 200

8 x 101 = 8088 x 121 = 9688 x 141 = 11288 x 161 = 12888 x 181 = 1448
8 x 102 = 8168 x 122 = 9768 x 142 = 11368 x 162 = 12968 x 182 = 1456
8 x 103 = 8248 x 123 = 9848 x 143 = 11448 x 163 = 13048 x 183 = 1464
8 x 104 = 8328 x 124 = 9928 x 144 = 11528 x 164 = 13128 x 184 = 1472
8 x 105 = 8408 x 125 = 10008 x 145 = 11608 x 165 = 13208 x 185 = 1480
8 x 106 = 8488 x 126 = 10088 x 146 = 11688 x 166 = 13288 x 186 = 1488
8 x 107 = 8568 x 127 = 10168 x 147 = 11768 x 167 = 13368 x 187 = 1496
8 x 108 = 8648 x 128 = 10248 x 148 = 11848 x 168 = 13448 x 188 = 1504
8 x 109 = 8728 x 129 = 10328 x 149 = 11928 x 169 = 13528 x 189 = 1512
8 x 110 = 8808 x 130 = 10408 x 150 = 12008 x 170 = 13608 x 190 = 1520
8 x 111 = 8888 x 131 = 10488 x 151 = 12088 x 171 = 13688 x 191 = 1528
8 x 112 = 8968 x 132 = 10568 x 152 = 12168 x 172 = 13768 x 192 = 1536
8 x 113 = 9048 x 133 = 10648 x 153 = 12248 x 173 = 13848 x 193 = 1544
8 x 114 = 9128 x 134 = 10728 x 154 = 12328 x 174 = 13928 x 194 = 1552
8 x 115 = 9208 x 135 = 10808 x 155 = 12408 x 175 = 14008 x 195 = 1560
8 x 116 = 9288 x 136 = 10888 x 156 = 12488 x 176 = 14088 x 196 = 1568
8 x 117 = 9368 x 137 = 10968 x 157 = 12568 x 177 = 14168 x 197 = 1576
8 x 118 = 9448 x 138 = 11048 x 158 = 12648 x 178 = 14248 x 198 = 1584
8 x 119 = 9528 x 139 = 11128 x 159 = 12728 x 179 = 14328 x 199 = 1592
8 x 120 = 9608 x 140 = 11208 x 160 = 12808 x 180 = 14408 x 200= 1600

8 Times Table From 201 to 300

8 x 201 = 16088 x 221 = 17688 x 241 = 19288 x 261 = 20888 x 281 = 2248
8 x 202 = 16168 x 222 = 17768 x 242 = 19368 x 262 = 20968 x 282 = 2256
8 x 203 = 16248 x 223 = 17848 x 243 = 19448 x 263 = 21048 x 283 = 2264
8 x 204 = 16328 x 224 = 17928 x 244 = 19528 x 264 = 21128 x 284 = 2272
8 x 205 = 16408 x 225 = 18008 x 245 = 19608 x 265 = 21208 x 285 = 2280
8 x 206 = 16488 x 226 = 18088 x 246 = 19688 x 266 = 21288 x 286 = 2288
8 x 207 = 16568 x 227 = 18168 x 247 = 19768 x 267 = 21368 x 287 = 2296
8 x 208 = 16648 x 228 = 18248 x 248 = 19848 x 268 = 21448 x 288 = 2304
8 x 209 = 16728 x 229 = 18328 x 249 = 19928 x 269 = 21528 x 289 = 2312
8 x 210 = 16808 x 230 = 18408 x 250 = 20008 x 270 = 21608 x 290 = 2320
8 x 211 = 16888 x 231 = 18488 x 251 = 20088 x 271 = 21688 x 291 = 2328
8 x 212 = 16968 x 232 = 18568 x 252 = 20168 x 272 = 21768 x 292 = 2336
8 x 213 = 17048 x 233 = 18648 x 253 = 20248 x 273 = 21848 x 293 = 2344
8 x 214 = 17128 x 234 = 18728 x 254 = 20328 x 274 = 21928 x 294 = 2352
8 x 215 = 17208 x 235 = 18808 x 255 = 20408 x 275 = 22008 x 295 = 2360
8 x 216 = 17288 x 236 = 18888 x 256 = 20488 x 276 = 22088 x 296 = 2368
8 x 217 = 17368 x 237 = 18968 x 257 = 20568 x 277 = 22168 x 297 = 2376
8 x 218 = 17448 x 238 = 19048 x 258 = 20648 x 278 = 22248 x 298 = 2384
8 x 219 = 17528 x 239 = 19128 x 259 = 20728 x 279 = 22328 x 299 = 2392
8 x 220 = 17608 x 240 = 19208 x 260 = 20808 x 280 = 22408 x 300 = 2400

Solved Examples:

Example 1

Question: What is 8×38×3?

Solution: To find the product of 8 and 3, we use multiplication.

Calculation: 8×3=248×3=24

Answer: 24

Example 2

Question: How much is 8×58×5?

Solution: We multiply 8 by 5 to get the answer.

Calculation: 8×5=408×5=40

Answer: 40

Example 3

Question: Calculate 8×78×7.

Solution: For calculating the product of 8 and 7, we perform a multiplication operation.

Calculation: 8×7=568×7=56

Answer: 56

Example 4

Question: Determine the value of 8×98×9.

Solution: To find out the value, we multiply 8 by 9.

Calculation: 8×9=728×9=72

Answer: 72

Why is the table of 8 important to learn?

The table of 8 is a fundamental part of multiplication tables, which are essential for quick mental math, enhancing problem-solving skills, and understanding patterns in numbers, making it crucial for academic success in mathematics

At what age should children start learning the table of 8?

Children can start learning the table of 8 typically around the age of 7 or 8, after they have grasped the concept of multiplication and are familiar with simpler tables like 2, 3, and 5.

Mastering the table of 8 is crucial for enhancing mathematical fluency and confidence. Through practice and application, students can effortlessly multiply by 8, facilitating quicker calculations in more complex math problems. This foundational skill not only boosts arithmetic abilities but also lays the groundwork for higher-level math concepts, demonstrating the power of multiplication in everyday mathematics.

Multiplication Table of 8 - Solved Examples, PDF (2025)
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