Motor Vehicle & Trailer Excise (2024)

Click here for Motor Vehicle Excise Abatement Application


M.G.L Chapter 60A

All Massachusetts residents who own and register a motor vehicle must annually pay a motor vehicle excise tax. The tax is levied by the city or town where the vehicle is principally garaged and the revenues become part of the local community treasury. Unregistered motor vehicles are subject to the personal property tax. Excise bills are prepared by the Registry of Motor Vehicles according to information on the motor vehicle registration. They are sent to city or town assessors who commit them to the local tax collectors for distribution and collection of payment. Commitments are issued several times per year.

An excise at the rate of $25 per one thousand dollars of valuation is levied on each motor vehicle. The valuation is based on the manufacturer's list price for the vehicle in its year of manufacture. Market value is not applicable to motor vehicle valuation for excise tax purposes. Massachusetts General Laws, Ch. 60A §1, establishes its own valuation formula for state tax purposes wherein only the manufacturer's list price and the age of the motor vehicle are considered. The formula is as follows:

  • In the year preceding the designated year of manufacture 50%
  • In the designated year of manufacture 90%
  • In the year succeeding the designated year of manufacture 60%
  • In the second year succeeding the designated year of manufacture 40%
  • In the third year succeeding the designated year of manufacture 25%
  • In the fourth and all succeeding years 10%

Owners of vehicles older than five years old should have a fixed excise tax bill for each succeeding year of ownership, and it should be based on a value which is no less than 10% of the manufacturer's list price in the year of manufacture for the vehicle being taxed.

    The Collectors Department is responsible for collecting motor vehicle excise. Payment of the excise is due 30 days from the mailing date of the excise bill. MGL Ch. 60A §2 states that "Failure to receive notice shall not affect the validity of the excise," which means that a person who does not receive a bill is still liable for the excise plus any interest and charges accrued. MGL Ch. 90 §26A states that "Every person in whose name a motor vehicle...has been registered...shall report any change of address in writing to the registrar within thirty days after the date on which such change was made." When changing address, therefore, contact the Registry of Motor Vehicles promptly to request an amended registration. Interest accrues monthly for delinquent excise bills at 12%.

      If a vehicle owner thinks that they are entitled to an adjustment of their excise for any of the reasons which follow, they should pay the bill in full to avoid interest and charges for late payment. If an abatement is subsequently granted, a refund will be made to the taxpayer. Filing the abatement application, however, does not stay the collection of the tax. Applications for abatement are made to the Board of Assessors, and must be received by the assessors' within three years after the excise was due, or one year after the excise was paid, whichever is later. Taxpayers must file on time to preserve their right to an abatement. When an abatement is granted, the excise bill is prorated by the month.

      Valuation for excise purposes is determined by a fixed formula spelled out in the law. According to the statute, the manufacturer's suggested retail price (MSRP) of the vehicle, times a fixed percentage based on age, determines the assessed value. The minimum value is 10% of the MSRP, regardless of how old the car is. Therefore, in order to sustain a claim of overvaluation, you must show the MSRP being used is incorrect, assuming the year of manufacture shown on the bill is accurate. The actual purchase price or market value of the vehicle cannot and will not be given any weight. A letter from the RMV stating their error is needed for any adjustments.

      Cancellation or transfer of a plate registration is not sufficient by itself to warrant an abatement of a tax bill. State law also requires that title to the vehicle be transferred. The date upon which both conditions are met will be the date upon which any adjustment will be made. Therefore, you cannot receive an abatement for simply taking a vehicle "off the road".

      Sale of the vehicle is not sufficient by itself to warrant an abatement of a tax bill. State law also requires that the registration be cancelled. The date upon which both conditions are met will be the date upon which any adjustment will be made. Please note that the sale or transfer of the vehicle without cancellation or transfer of the registration could leave you exposed to future tax liability. Additional bills may be issued subsequent to the sale. Any abatement of such additional bills will be made based on the date of cancelation of the plate registration.

      Abatements will be calculated from the date you cancelled your plate registration with the RMV.

      Abatement of the bill is contingent upon both the cancellation or transfer of the plate registration and the refund of the sales tax or application of the sales tax to a replacement vehicle.

      An abatement cannot be processed until title to the vehicle has changed and the plate registration has been cancelled or transferred. Any adjustment will be made from the date of title transfer, the date of the registration transfer and/or cancellation, whichever is later, not from the date of the accident.

      In order for an abatement to be processed, you must provide proof that you notified police within 48 hours of discovering the theft. In addition, you must provide proof that you have cancelled the plate registration with the Registry. Please note that the surrendering of the registration cannot occur before thirty days after the theft. The date you cancel the registration will be the date used to calculate the abatement, not the date of theft.

      The community having jurisdiction to assess the tax is determined by the place of garaging in the Registry's records as of the tax date (January 1st), not as of the date the bill is issued. There are no partial adjustments based on a change in place of garaging subsequent to the tax date. Please note that the place of garaging is determined solely from Registry records; insurance company records will not be considered. The Board will rely on the date that you notified the Registry of the new place of garaging to determine if abatement of the bill is warranted, not on the date you claimed you moved. If an abatement is granted, the bill will be forwarded to your new community for rebilling at a later date. Notice from the RMV is required.

      All bills are mailed to the address on record at the Registry of Motor Vehicles at the time of billing. Please note that under state law, you are required to notify the Registry of your new address within 30 days. If your bill was incorrectly addressed due to a clerical error at the Registry, appropriate steps will be taken so that you are not penalized. However, the Board will not make any adjustment if the bill was addressed correctly, or if it went to a previous address due to your failure to notify the Registry of your move, regardless of any claim that you failed to receive the bill. Please note the state law specifically states that failure to receive a bill has no effect on its validity or on the statutory penalties imposed to enforce collection. Failure to receive notice of tax bill is not sufficient to grant an abatement, as per M.G.L: Chapter 60A, Section 2 "The collector of taxes or the commissioner, as the case may be, shall seasonably notify the owner of the excise assessed and the due date, but failure to receive notice shall not affect the validity of the excise".

      Chapter 60A §1 of the Massachusetts General Laws provides excise tax exemptions for vehicles owned by certain disabled individuals and veterans, active service members not permanent residents of Massachusetts, prisoners of war, and certain charitable organizations. Having a vehicle with handicap plates or decals does not automatically entitle one to an excise exemption, as the statute requires that a person suffer certain losses to be exempt from motor vehicle excise.However, if you are not determined to be 100% disabled or fall under the above criteria, a determination by the RMV Medical Advisory Board would be sufficient to determine eligibility.For more detailed information please call the Assessing Department at (978) 619-5608

      Click here for Non-Veterans, disabled persons MVU-33 Form

      Motor Vehicle Excise Exemptions -For both Non-Veterans and Veterans

      Individuals, who qualify for exemptions from the motor vehicle excise for the non-business use vehicles they own and register, and the following persons acting on their behalf, may apply to the assessors:

      •A qualifying owner’s spouse if the vehicle is jointly owned.

      •A qualifying owner’s surviving spouse, executor under a will, or administrator of the estate.

      The exemption may be applied to only one vehicle of the owner’s choice.

      Disabled & Blind Non-Veterans– Vehicles owned and registered by some disabled and blind individuals for their personal use (not business) are exempt from motor vehicle excise. To qualify, a physician must sign and supply theState Form MVU-33to the Assessors Office indicating that the individual:

      •Lost both legs or both arms.

      •Had a permanent impairment of vision meeting certain specifications in both eyes.

      The exemption is based on whether the individual meets these disability standards, not whether the person has or qualifies for a handicapped plate under RMV regulations.

      Disabled & Blind Veterans– The veteran must have been honorably discharged from peacetime or wartime military service. The veteran must be disabled due to that service according to the Veterans Administration who must certify that due to service the veteran:

      •Has lost at least one foot or hand,

      •Has a permanent impairment of vision meeting certain specifications in at least one eye.

      •Is 100% disabled as certified by the Veteran's Administration.

      •Or the Medical Advisory Board within the RMV has determined that the veteran is as permanently disabled and the RMV has issued a disabled veteran plate. If a person chooses not to have a DV plate, they can supply the evaluation/granted letter from the RMV medical advisory board.

      Prisoners of Wars & Surviving Spouses– A vehicle owned and registered by a former prisoner of war or their surviving spouse (until remarriage), are exempt fromonepersonal (non-business use) vehicle excise tax if supplied with the VA’s discharge documents stating the veteran was held as a prisoner of war.

      A veteran who was a prisoner of war and owns more than one vehicle may have the exemption applied to the vehicle of choice. A full exemption is granted even if the veteran is not the sole owner of the
      vehicle, e.g., co-owns it with his or her spouse.

      Massachusetts Domiciliary Military Personnel– A vehicle owned and registered by military personnel who are Massachusetts domiciliaries are exempt from the motor vehicle excise if:

      •The service person is on active military duty outside of the US for at least 180 continuous days of the year. If the service person is wounded or killed in an armed conflict, the 180 days limitation does not apply.

      A servicemember, guardsman or reservist who qualifies and owns more than one vehicle may have the exemption applied to the vehicle of their choice. A full exemption is granted even if the servicemember, guardsman or reservist is not the sole owner of the vehicle, e.g., co-owns it with his or her spouse. The surviving spouse of the servicemember, guardsman or reservistdoes notqualify for an exemption.

      Non-Massachusetts Domiciliary Military Personnel– Under the federal Service-members Civil Relief Act. 50 U.S.C. App. 571,anyvehicle owned and registered by military personnel who are not Massachusetts residents are exempt from excise tax if the commanding officer of the service person certifies that the person is a domiciliary of another state and is stationed in MA due to orders. In addition to the service members vehicles, vehicles owned and registered by the service person’s spouse if domiciled with the service person or in the same state, as documented by the service member’s commanding officer are also exempted.

      No vehicle used for business or trade purposes are eligible to receive the exemption.


      - The minimum bill is $5.00; the minimum abatement is $5.00. Therefore, no partial abatements can be made on bills less than $10.00.

      - A partial abatement reduces only the original excise due (principal). All other fees, charges and penalties previously imposed will not be affected. Only full abatement of the tax can eliminate these amounts.

      - Inquiries on fees and/or interest charges should be addressed to the Collector’s Department who has the discretionary authority on total amounts $15 or less according to M.G.L. Chapter 60 Section 15.

      - All abatement requests or questions regarding abatements must be made directly to the Board of Assessors, City Hall Room 6, Salem MA 01970 or by calling (978)619-5608.

      - By law, the deadline for filing for abatements is within three years after the excise was due, or one year after the excise was paid, whichever is later.

      - Taxes and adjustments are prorated by month. Even if a vehicle is registered for only one day in the month, taxes are due for the full month.

      - Revoked insurance/registration alone is not applicable for an abatement, the plates must be cancelled.

      - Refunds (generated by the Collector’s department) will be issued to the person who made the payment. Please contact the Collector’s Dept regarding refund inquiries.

      Excise Links

      Registry of Motor Vehicles - Cancel Plates Link


      Excise Tax RMV Information Link

      Medical Advisory Board at the RMV Link

      Excise FAQs

      Motor Vehicle & Trailer Excise (2024)


      How to pay past due excise tax in Massachusetts? ›

      Pay Past Due Excise Tax Bills

      Online: Past due bills that are not marked at the registry can be paid online only after receiving notice from Kelly & Ryan. If the bill has been marked at the registry, it may be paid in person with cash or a money order, or online at

      Do you have to pay excise tax on an unregistered vehicle in Massachusetts? ›

      Massachusetts law requires residents who own and register a motor vehicle to pay a motor vehicle excise each year. Every motor vehicle used (or planning to be used) for personal road privileges, whether registered or not, is subject to taxation.

      What is motor vehicle excise tax Massachusetts? ›

      The excise rate is $25 per $1,000 of your vehicle's value. It is charged for a full calendar year and billed by the community where the vehicle is usually garaged. If your vehicle is registered in Massachusetts but garaged outside of Massachusetts, the Commissioner of Revenue will bill the excise.

      Is there excise tax on trailers in Massachusetts? ›

      Under Massachusetts Law, every motor vehicle registered in the Commonwealth is subject to Motor Vehicle & Trailer Excise Tax every year unless the vehicle is expressly exempted from paying this tax by law.

      What happens if you are struggling to pay car excise tax in MA? ›

      If your Motor Vehicle & Trailer Excise Tax obligation is not satisfied, either through making payment or receiving an abatement, the bill will be referred to the town's Deputy Tax Collector for further collection activity which includes being issued and served with a “Warrant to Collect” your Excise Tax and being “ ...

      Can you get a refund on excise tax in Massachusetts? ›

      You may be entitled to an abatement (or a refund if the excise has been paid) if the vehicle is valued at more than the percentage of manufacturer's list price that applies for the calendar year.

      What month is excise tax due in MA? ›

      Motor Vehicle Excise tax bills are due 30 days from the date of issue. They are issued at various times of the year when information is received from the RMV. If the due date falls on a Saturday/Sunday or holiday, payment is due on the next business day.

      How much is vehicle tax in MA? ›

      If the sale is made by a motor vehicle or trailer dealer or lessor who is registered, the sales tax rate is 6.25%.

      How do I fix non-renew registration in Massachusetts? ›

      If a taxpayer finds him/herself in this situation and has been refused renewal of a registration or license, he/she may remedy the matter by making full payment on the bill, including all fees and penalties, which will include a $20 release fee.

      Do trailers need to be registered in Massachusetts? ›

      To drive in Massachusetts, a vehicle and trailer needs to be properly registered with the RMV, and the vehicle owner must have a legally acquired title.

      Is MA excise tax based on income? ›

      Corporate Excise: Basic Structure. Tax Base: Generally, corporations doing business in Massachusetts are subject to a tax based on net income and on either tangible property or net worth. Together, these two measures of tax constitute the corporate excise.

      How to avoid paying sales tax on a used car in Massachusetts? ›

      Vehicle Title Requirements

      If someone is selling a car with an open title, they avoid paying sales tax, registration fees, and title fees, and they never put their name or information on the car's documents, leaving the original seller fully liable for the car.

      How do I pay back my Massachusetts taxes? ›

      How Do You Pay Massachusetts State Taxes? You can pay your Massachusetts state taxes online at MassTaxConnect (through the state's Department of Revenue) or via mail. Sent a check or money order through the mail to make your income tax payment with your payment voucher (which is attached to your tax bill).

      What is the excise tax for late contributions? ›

      A late deposit is considered a prohibited transaction under ERISA. This means that IRC §4975 imposes a 15% excise tax on the lost earnings, attributable to the late deposit. The excise tax payment should be reported to the IRS on a Form 5330.

      Where can I pay my car tax? ›

      Just bring in your V11 form to any of our vehicle licensing Post Office branches.

      How do I collect and pay sales tax in Massachusetts? ›

      You have several options for filing and paying your Massachusetts sales tax:
      1. File online – File online at the Massachusetts Department of Revenue. You can remit your payment through their online system. ...
      2. File by mail – Fill out and mail in form ST-9.
      3. AutoFile – Let TaxJar file your sales tax for you.

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      Author: Melvina Ondricka

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      Author information

      Name: Melvina Ondricka

      Birthday: 2000-12-23

      Address: Suite 382 139 Shaniqua Locks, Paulaborough, UT 90498

      Phone: +636383657021

      Job: Dynamic Government Specialist

      Hobby: Kite flying, Watching movies, Knitting, Model building, Reading, Wood carving, Paintball

      Introduction: My name is Melvina Ondricka, I am a helpful, fancy, friendly, innocent, outstanding, courageous, thoughtful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.