Modding:Race Modding Guide - Lilith's Throne (2024)

[Primary Author: User:Sightglass]

[Article WIP]

LT's modding system has the ability to add new races and subspecies to the game, or to add new subspecies to existing races. A race mod is composed of XML files defining things such as body parts, subspecies and coverings, SVG images for icons and items, arranged in structured folders. In addition to defining a race and subspecies, these mods also often will include associated racial items to make transformative potions, combat moves, or custom text colors for names and descriptions.

Since the mod is made entirely of XML text files and SVG images, creating a race mod requires at least a text editor and a SVG image editor. [User:Sightglass: For the text editor, I recommend something like Notepad++ with some more-than-basic features like regex-based search/find/replace. Just anything that you're comfortable with and can use efficiently. For the SVG editor, I HIGHLY recommend Inkscape. Importantly, it seems to produce SVGs that are the most compatible with LT, as well as being relatively easy to pick up.]

[User:Sightglass: Author Note - The first parts of this guide are about how things work and are put together, the specific file guides are for very technical details. If you want to start making species mods, you probably only need to read through the general guide. The technical details are mostly intuitive since it's all labeled. Don't need to read through them unless you're looking for a specific thing.]


  • 1 General Guide
    • 1.1 General Process
    • 1.2 Mod Structure and Files
    • 1.3 XML File Format Primer
    • 1.4 Parser Primer
    • 1.5 Body Generation
    • 1.6 Making SVG Images for Race Mods
    • 1.7 Finding Things In The Codebase
    • 1.8 Testing
  • 2 Specific File Guides
    • 2.1 Table Format
    • 2.2 Race Definition
      • 2.2.1 Feral Names
      • 2.2.2 Fetish Maps
    • 2.3 Racial Body
    • 2.4 Body Parts
    • 2.5 Coverings
      • 2.5.1 Covering Patterns
      • 2.5.2 Covering Colors
    • 2.6 Subspecies
    • 2.7 Book Entries
    • 2.8 Items
    • 2.9 Colours
      • 2.9.1 Using Colors
    • 2.10 Combat Moves
    • 2.11 Name Lists
  • 3 Other Resources

General Guide

General Process

It is much easier to start a new race mod using an existing race as a template. An annotated example is the Hyena-morph species, found from the game's res/mods/innoxia/race/hyena folder. Each of the XML files in the hyena race explains the file and each element of the XML.

A folder named after the mod's author should be directly under the res/mods folder. Within that folder, there will be subfolders each designating what they contain. Copying an entire race's folder helps keep the structure together and provides you with the XML files with the structure already in place. For example, "someone" might start a new race mod by first creating a folder res/mods/someone, then copying the res/mods/innoxia/race/hyena folder into it, then renaming the hyena folder into res/mods/someone/race/giraffe. Then, it is easy to just go through the files and change them from defining a hyena to defining a giraffe. Go through each file, changing the elements as needed to fit your new mod. Other parts of the mod, such as items and combat moves, will go in different folders and will be discussed in the sections below.

I generally follow this order when planning a race mod. This isn't strictly necessary, but I find this order to be helpful when working to help ideas come together.

  1. Race and subspecies - What kinds of (usually anthro) creature do you want to add to the game (and have people bang)? What discrete varieties are there, and how are they differentiated from each other? For a real creature how can you anthropomorphize and adapt their real-world behavior into lewdness? For a fictional creature, how do you lewd their depiction?
  2. Body Parts - What unique features do they have? Can these be used to distinguish different subspecies?
  3. Items - For a race, it's practically necessary for there to be at least one item (usually a food) that can be used to create a transformative potion. Otherwise, the race would be difficult for the player to make themselves into. There is also usually a drink item, that enchants into a buff/restoration potion. I usually choose a food that's thematically associated with the creature, or a from the cuisine of the area that the creature is from.
  4. Other Things - Unique combat moves usually. Can exhibit a special ability that the race has, such as a snake's venomous bite, or a kangaroo kicking the sh*t out of someone.

It may be helpful to keep some browser tabs open for "research" (like a wiki page, and furry p*rn) as you write, for inspiration or to add details when actually making the mod.

Then it's on to actually editing the files. I follow this order generally. Again, not strictly necessary, but helpful it avoiding having to backtrack and change things back. However, all of these parts are very interconnected, and unless you have EVERYTHING entirely planned out from the outset, you'll need leave placeholder values in, and go back and change things later. Keep in mind that whatever you have planned might change entirely, depending on what strikes you as you write, and what you may discover during "research".

  1. Race definition
  2. Colors (for description text, icons, etc.)
  3. Body parts
  4. Coverings
  5. Racial body
  6. Subspecies
  7. Subspecies icons
  8. Lore book
  9. Potion Items
  10. Combat moves (if any)
  11. Name lists (if using)

These parts are explained further in the #Mod Structure and Files section and the individual sections for each part.

Mod Structure and Files

"File Path" is the folder and file names for each part. If the filename is a placeholder, it means that there are multiple files, one for each definition for body parts, coverings, etc.

"Internal Name" is the name assigned when the LT modding engine loads in the file. These are generally generated from the file path.

"Requires" means that this part must reference another part. "May Require" means that this reference is optional, or can use existing items as a placeholder.

"Icon" specifies if a part uses an SVG icon.

For the file paths in the following table <an> is the author name (for example, "sightglass" or "dsg"), <rn> is the race name, and the other placeholders are self-explanatory.

PartFile PathInternal NameRequiresMay ReferenceIconDescription
Race Definition<an>/race/<rn>/race.xml<an>_<rn>Racial BodyThe definition for a grouping of subspecies, and some basic info like litter sizes and disposition.

If adding subspecies to an existing race, Don't Add This

Racial Body<an>/race/<rn>/racialBody.xmlBody PartsTemplate of body parts, and sizes, and other parameters the game uses when making a new character's body.
Body Parts<an>/race/<rn>/bodyParts/<bp>.xml<an>_<rn>_<bp>CoveringsRaceOne file for each body part type definition. May have multiple types for a slot (such as multiple tail varieties).
Coverings<an>/race/<rn>/coveringTypes/<ct>.xml<an>_<rn>_<ct>ColorA covering such as skin, fur, scales, chitin, etc. Sets colors, patterns and modifiers that can spawn
Subspecies<an>/race/<rn>/subspecies/<subsp>.xml<an>_<rn>_subspecies_<subsp>Race, Book EntriesBody Parts, Items, ColorIconDefines a subspecies of the main race. Needs at least 1 "main" subspecies. One file per subspecies.
Book Entries<an>/race/<rn>/subspecies/bookEntries.xmlUses a "tag" attributeLore text that appears in the encyclopedia.
Items<an>/items/items/race/<item>.xml<an>_race_<item>RaceIconItem definitions for potion base items. Generally need at least 1 TF base item (usually food).
Combat Move<an>/combatMove/<move>.xmlIcon(Optional) A special combat move. One file per combat move.
Color<an>/colours/<color>.xml<an>_<color>(Optional) A custom color. Can be used in entries above. One file per color.
Names<an>/race/<rn>/names.xmlSubspecies(Optional) Custom name triplets for a race and/or subspecies.

XML File Format Primer

Lilith's Throne modding system loads in content as Extensible Markup Language (XML) text files. It's just text formatted to fit a certain structure, and they can be opened and edited by any text editor, though some will have tools like syntax highlighting and XML-checking tools to help catch mistakes.

Here's a dummy example, to show how things are structured:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>


<element>text content</element>


<cdataElement><![CDATA[CData Stuff]]></cdataElement>

<elementWithAttribute attribute="attribute value" secondAttribute="second value">this is also content</elementWithAttribute>

<emptyTagWithAttribue attribute="this is also an attribute value"/>


<nestedElement attribute="yet another attribute">this is content too</nestedElement>

<nestedElement attribute="yet another attribute">contented for a second</nestedElement>



An XML file is arranged as elements, each having an opening tag <tag> and a closing tag </tag>.

The name of an element (which goes in the tag) follows a few simple rules:

  1. Must start with a letter or underscore ( _ )
  2. Cannot start with xml
  3. Are case sensitive!
  4. Cannot contain spaces!
  5. Can also have digits, hyphens, and periods, in addition to letters and underscores, but can't start with those (rule 1)

(Note: Most tag names used for LT are only letters with occasional numbers, and are usually in camelCase)

The stuff between the tags of an element, there may be content: <element>text content</element>. An element without content is usually entered as a self-closing tag ending in a slash: <emptyTag/>, or otherwise entered as tags with nothing between them: <tag></tag>. An element's content may be text or another element, which is called a child element: <element><childElement/></element>. Child elements can open with the same tag as others nested in the same parent.

Content for a tag in the form of <![CDATA[CData Stuff]]> is "character data", used to encapsulate text that may otherwise be interfere with the syntax of an XML document. For LT, it usually marks something that is sent to through a parser to perform scripting commands and/or displayed on screen as text.

Tags can also have attributes, which are key-value pairs included in the opening tag and formatted like: <tag key1="value1" key2="value2"></tag>. Each attribute in a tag must be unique.

The order in which elements appear usually does not matter. When the game is looking for an element with a specific name, it will find the first matching one within the scope. If the game is looking for multiple elements with a name, it will generally iterate through all of them in a certain scope.

Parser Primer

Main article: Modding:Parser Primer

Body Generation

See also: Races#Race and Subspecies Calculation

When a character is being generated using a specific race and subspecies, body generation (from a modder's perspective) is influenced in three places:

  1. The template, using racialBody and the race stage
  2. "applyRaceChanges" in race.xml
  3. "applySubspeciesChanges" in the subspecies XML file

Firstly, the racialBody lists what parts the new character's body starts out with. For characters that are not fully furry, some of these parts (such as the face and torso) will be replaced by the human part types. For half-demons, demon parts will be put into certain areas. The racial body template also covers some general parameters, such as femininity values, body size/muscle, dick size, etc.

Next, the race changes are applied. This applies to all characters of that race as they are created, and usually are for body characteristics that aren't covered in racialBody, and aren't specific to just some subspecies of the race. An example is for Charisma's Spider-morph race giving greater spider-morphs a 50% chance of spawning with six arms (plus two legs):


#IF(RND.nextInt(100)<50 && targetedBody.getRaceStage()==RACE_STAGE_GREATER)




Then, subspecies changes. These changes are usually for traits specific to the subspecies and used to differentiate them from other subspecies of the race. An example from Innoxia's Spotted Hyena-Morph, ensuring the coat is spotted for the subspecies check, and additionally making them taller:


[#targetedBody.setCoveringPattern(BODY_COVERING_TYPE_innoxia_hyena_fur, true, COVERING_PATTERN_SPOTTED)]





This matches the check in the spotted hyena's subspecies weighting:



#IF(targetedBody.getCoveringPattern(BODY_COVERING_TYPE_innoxia_hyena_fur, true)!=COVERING_PATTERN_STRIPED)







While the subspecies weighting and the subspecies changes are usually linked together by the design of the race mod, there's nothing in the code to enforce this. If the subspecies changes are done incorrectly, characters that are supposed to be that subspecies won't have the intended traits. If the weighting is done incorrectly, characters with the traits won't be recognized as the right subspecies.

But, this can be exploited by clever design to make, for example, one subspecies whose offspring instead generate as/recognized as a different one. One idea is for a queen bee subspecies to mostly spawn sterile normal bees.

See also: Races#Race and Subspecies Calculation

Making SVG Images for Race Mods

For general guidance, see also Solace's Inkscape guide: Modding:Inkscape for LT

Species mods for LT will need SVG icons for subspecies and items, and potentially also combat moves, status effects and any other extras.

SVG, being a vector graphic, is usually better suited for designs that are easily formed by geometric shapes. While it's not impossible to make very good organic shapes in a vector graphic, it takes a lot more effort and adjusting to make clean but easily recognizable. It's something to consider when choosing what items you want to make with the race mod, and what the subspecies icons can be. Also consider the fact that the icons are usually seen at a small scale, so choosing a simpler shape can make it more recognizable when very small.

The circular icon for a subspecies is composed of an actual icon (given by the iconName element of the subspecies XML) overlaid background. Leaving the backgroundName element empty will make the subspecies use the default background, which uses the second replacement color. For the icon itself, there are several different options one can try. Usually the simplest way is to draw a distinctive body part of the race or subspecies, such as a hand for humans, or a pair of fangs for a snake-morph, or a paw for cat-morphs and dog-morphs. It has the advantage of being much simpler and easier to make look recognizable. Another common way is to give just the head and face, usually in side profile like rabbits and wolves. It may take a lot of adjustment to make a good head/face silhouette. Using a reference image over manually tracing over the contour with a path is a good way to start towards a recognizable silhouette. Exaggerating a few shapes and features a little can also help make it legible at small sizes. Drawing features like beaks and ears as separate shapes, and adding different colors to them can help them pop out. Less common overall (but common in races made by DSG) are icons depicting the entire body. Exampls are ferret-morphs, shark-morphs and bear-morphs. While having just a head gives the challenge of adding enough detail to make it recognizable, full-body icons have the challenge of how to add details that are legible at very small sizes without cluttering the icon as a whole.

For items, it's often a little easier to be creative. Depending on what you make for the food and drink items, you may want to stylize or simplify the shape to something easily constructed. Packaging like a bag, can or bottle is kind of simple, and lets you make it distinctive with a made-up logo. There are already cans and bottles in the game, so you can try borrowing those to get started. Like for subspecies icons, you may want to choose something with an easy shape, like a bun or candy-drop, rather than something a complex shape, like a pile of onion rings or jalebi. It's up to you though, and it's fun to try making an interesting-looking challenging-to-draw food.

Finding Things In The Codebase

The code for the game is publicly available in this github repository: Use the "dev" branch of the repository, since that is the branch used to make public versions of the game.

Most of the time, it is unnecessary to look into the code base. If you are using Innoxia/DSG's races as starting points, those include pretty extensive comments explaining the files, elements, and possible values.

But, if you want more information on how things work, or what different options do, where you look depends on what you want to do.

A brief explanation of LT's class system (not the one with demon aristocracy): LT's code uses a lot of "AbstractThingType-ThingType" arrangements. The "abstract" type is a class definition, defining what properties an object has, while the non-abstract one is an enumeration of those abstract objects. It's sort of hard to explain without and example, so example: The code defines what a Race is, setting up what properties it has (but not giving them actual values), what methods and functions it has, etc. Then, the code is an enumeration of the different actual races, like HUMAN, DEMON, HORSE_MORPH, each of which fills values for the properties defined in "AbstractRace". Other enumerations don't have an abstract class, since the properties and functions are defined in the same file. These are usually simpler collections of values, like in

To see how a particular thing is loaded in, look in the abstract definition, usually under a static { block


Whether you intend to publish the mod to the mod-sharing channel in the Discord, or just use it for your own game, TEST YOUR MOD.

While testing out the various parts of the mod, try keeping the error log (found in data/error.log) open in Notepad++. If the game encounters an error, it will write a line to that file, and the next time you click into NPP, it will ask to refresh the file.

Mods are loaded when the game executable starts up. That means that after modifying mod files, you need to close and open the game again for it to update.

I generally follow these steps when testing a mod to find potential issues:

  1. When the game starts up, check the error log.
  2. Go into the Debug Menu > Main tab > Race Resets, and transform the player character to each of your subspecies. Make sure that you are correctly recognized as each subspecies. This checks to see if the subspecies changes and race weighting are applied correctly. Also check the subspecies icon and status effect. If the subspecies is not set correctly, check the error log to see if the issue is in the subspecies changes, subspecies weighting, or both.
  3. With the player character as the race, open the player's character description. Check for typos and error messages, and look in the error log.
  4. Try to make a transformative potion for the race (and probably each subspecies). Make sure all the part names are correct.
  5. Check items for typos, icon issues and errors in the description. Try using the items on both the PC and NPCs, to check the use messages for errors or typos.
  6. As a human, drink the potion. Read the transformation description for typos or error messages, and look in the error log.
  7. Test combat moves. Check whether the critical condition works correct, and check the descriptions in both crit and non-crit hits for errors and typos.
  8. Whatever other extras you may have. Try to be thorough!

Specific File Guides

Table Format

For each file guide, the table lists the elements that can be included in the XML file. Refer to the XML primer if you are unfamiliar with the terminology of this section or in the file guides.

The columns of the table are:

  • Element - What goes in as the name of the tag
  • Description - Describes what goes in the contents/attributes, and how it is used in the game.
  • Type - What kind of content is expected in the content for the element. All content is either raw text or CData, but may be interpreted differently when loaded in by the game
    • Text - Simple text content. For LT, it often is used to call up a particular value in an enumeration, like a particular body part type or an item. For this, use the internal name for the object.
    • CData - Character data, usually things that get passed through a parser for displaying things on screen and/or doing scripting stuff
    • Float, Int - The game will need a numerical value for the content. Make sure it's a number!
    • Element - The game expects a nested element here. The description should include what that child element is named and what content/attributes it has.
    • Boolean - A true/false value. The content should be literally the text true or false.
    • Root - Used for the root element. See note below.
  • Options - Whether this element needs to be in the file (Required), can be left out (Optional), or needs to be in but can be left blank (Required, Can Be Blank). Missing a Required element may cause the loading the file to fail, since the game needs that element to properly define a type.
  • Values - For Text-type contents, some will have a handful of valid options. For smallish numbers, the possible accepted contents are listed. Usually CAPITALIZED, may HAVE_UNDERSCORES.

Each table will also list the name of the root element. This element holds all other elements (except the header).

Race Definition

This file defines a new Race and should be put in as res\mods\<author>\race\<race name>\race.xml. The internal name for the race will then be <author>_<race name>. The file itself does not contain very much, with most of the other race mod files defining the actual content, just referencing the race. For subspecies mods (defining new subspecies for an existing race), this file is left out and the rest of the mod uses that existing race.

raceROOT ELEMENTRootRequired
racialBodyPoints to the racialBody.xml file located in the same folder. The contents reference the racialBody named as <an>_<rn>, similarly to how the race is named. See: #Racial BodyTextRequired
applyRaceChangesApplies body changes to a character of the race during creation. See: #Body GenerationCDATARequired, Can be Blank
name, namePluralNon-gendered, anthro (singular,plural) name of the race, used for general use such as in the encyclopedia and crowd descriptions.CDATARequired
nameSillyMode, namePluralSillyModeSame as "name" and "namePlural", but used in Silly Mode. Defaults to those if not present.CDATAOptional
nameFeral, nameFeralPluralTwo mappings for (legConfiguration,affinity) pairs and names for a feral with that leg configuration and affinity. Each element of the contents is a "name" tag with a "legConfiguration" and/or "affinity" attribute giving the leg configuration and the text contents giving the name. The "legConfiguration" attribute is required. If the "affinity" attribute is left out, the game will fill in pairs with the legConfiguration and all affinities. Ex: <name legConfiguration="QUADRUPEDAL"><![CDATA[hyena]]></name> Unspecified affinities/legConfigurations default to using the first loaded.

This is probably the most complicated part, so see the example below the table.

Element, CDATAOptional
defaultTransformNameThe name that will be used when referring to transformations related to this race. Used in the self-TF menu, and in the enchantment menu for potions.CDATARequired
colourText color for the race, used in places like the encyclopedia or crowd descriptions. Can be custom or preset. See: #ColoursTextRequired
disposition"How this race will typically treat strangers." Not used for much currently. See: DispositionTextRequired
racialClassA vague taxonomic category for this race. Some settings control things like whether scalies generate with scale-hair, whether furries are bald, etc.

"OTHER" is used for slimes, elementals and similarly-nonbiological races.Not used for much currently. See: RacialClass

  • BIRD
  • FISH
combatBehaviorCombat strategy used by NPCs. Defaults to "BALANCED" See: CombatBehaviorTextOptional
chanceForMaleOffspringSex ratio for this race during litter generation as a decimal 0.0-1.0, giving the chance that any offspring of that race generates as masculine. Will usually just be 0.5FloatRequired
numberOfOffspringLow, numberOfOffspringHighUpper and lower bounds for a litter size, before modifiers. The upper bound should be greater than or equal to the lower bound. For reference, humans are (1,2), many furry species are (2-4) and rabbit/snake are the highest at (2,8).IntRequired


The default "furryness" preference, of how furry characters of this race are generated. Only sets the starting value of the preference, and the player can change it in their settings.

Androgynous characters are lumped into the feminine preference.

There's not much point to using the "HUMAN" value, since it essentially converts them all to humans. See: FurryPreference

affectedByFurryPreferenceWhether or not the furry preferences in (defaultFemininePreference, defaultMasculinePreference) can be modified by the player. When true, effectively locks the race to generate at the specified level

Recommended to keep this "false" unless the race specifically needs to spawn at a certain level for some reason.

  • true
  • false
racialFetishModifiersMappings for modifying how likely this race will spawn with certain fetishes.

Each element is a "fetish" tag. The text content is the fetish. The attributes "love", "like", "dislike" and "hate" are the weights for that fetish spawning as a like or dislike. Omitted attributes have a weight of 1.

Element, TextOptional
feralPartsAvailableWhether or not the race can have feral parts to turn them into a taur or something. Usually should be "true" for most furry races.BooleanRequired
  • true
  • false
ableToSelfTransformWhether the race is allowed to use the self-TF menu, like slimes or demons. Usually should be "false".BooleanRequired
  • true
  • false
flyingRaceWhether the race is usually considered winged and flying. If "false" and not demonic, a character with wings will be described as such (ex: "winged pig-morph"). If "true", having wings won't appear in the race name (ex: "dragon-morph")

Usually should be "false".

  • true
  • false

Feral Names

As an example of how the feral name system works, here's an example from DSG's Dragon-morph race:


<name legConfiguration="QUADRUPEDAL"><![CDATA[dragon]]></name>

<name legConfiguration="TAIL_LONG"><![CDATA[wyrm]]></name>

<name legConfiguration="TAIL_LONG" affinity="AQUATIC"><![CDATA[sea serpent]]></name>

<name legConfiguration="TAIL"><![CDATA[sea serpent]]></name>



<name legConfiguration="QUADRUPEDAL"><![CDATA[dragons]]></name>

<name legConfiguration="TAIL_LONG"><![CDATA[wyrms]]></name>

<name legConfiguration="TAIL_LONG" affinity="AQUATIC"><![CDATA[sea serpents]]></name>

<name legConfiguration="TAIL"><![CDATA[sea serpents]]></name>


In this example, all quadrupedal feral dragons are called "dragons", while those with fish-tails (TAIL) are called "sea serpents". For ones with snake-like tails (TAIL_LONG), it depends on Affinity. The first one, <name legConfiguration="TAIL_LONG"><![CDATA[wyrm]]></name> will fill all affinities with "wyrm", and the second specifically overwrites the AQUATIC affinity to be "sea serpent".

Fetish Maps

As an example for how the fetish maps work, here's an example from Innoxia's Hyena-morph race:


<!-- You can define the attributes 'love', 'like', 'dislike', and 'hate' to have weightings, with those omitted having a default weighting of 1. In this example, hyenas are more likely to like or love the dominant fetish than dislike or hate it. -->

<fetish love="3" like="5" dislike="2" hate="1">FETISH_DOMINANT</fetish>


These weights are multiplied with a player's fetish settings, meaning that they can still influence whether or not characters will spawn with a like/dislike of a fetish.

Racial Body

This acts as a template for body generation, defining what #body parts are included when a character of the race is being generated. The file name should be res\mods\<author>\race\<race name>\racialBody.xml. The internal name for the racial body will be <author>_<race name> (same as the race's internal name, but the only place this is used is in the #Race Definition).

Most of these elements have very self-explanatory names on how they are used, so the descriptions will just add notes on what the contents should be. Additionally, many parameters are separated for masculine and feminine character generation.

Entries in the table are grouped into ones using the same enumeration values, or using very similar parameters. They appear in roughly the order they appear in most racialBody.xml files, based on the one in for hyena-morphs used in a template. The Index column gives the order the elements appear in breaking the grouping, if you want to follow that. Elements that have male/female are still combined into a single row, since the blocks of elements repeat for male then female.

0racialBodyROOT ELEMENTRootRequired
1personalityChancesA map for weights of how common Personality traits are for the race as a whole. Each sub-element should be an "entry" element, with the attribute "chance" giving the chance as a decimal 0.0 to 1.0, and the contents should match a PersonalityTrait. Example, giving a 50% chance of spawning with the "CONFIDENT" trait:


<entry chance="0.5">CONFIDENT</entry>


The base chance of most traits is 0.05, influenced by other parameters of character generation. Leaving this element out, or empty, will use the default chances. Can be overridden by subspecies personality weightings.
Element, TextOptional, Can Be Blank
2orientationFeminineGynephilic/orientationFeminineAmbiphilic/orientationFeminineAndrophilic/orientationMasculineGynephilic/orientationMasculineAmbiphilic/orientationMasculineAndrophilicBase weights for a character of a certain Femininity to be a certain Sexuality attracted to feminine, both, or masculine bodies. Should be positive integers. Total weight does not have to add to 100, though it may make the math easier. This distribution is also governed by player settings, so it's not too important and can be left as the default values: 20/40/40/60/30/10.IntRequired
3bodyMaterialThe body material that this race will spawn with. Leave the content as "FLESH". Don't use anything else, unless you want weird things to happen.TextRequired
4bodyHairUse the body hair type defined in the race's #coverings. Can also use one defined for other races, but not recommended. BodyCoveringType For other coverings, it is defined in the #body parts.TextRequired
5genitalArrangementGenitalArrangement, usually "NORMAL"TextRequired
6maleHeight/femaleHeightHeight is in centimeters, from 15 to 366. Normally around 170-185. Values below 152 ("ZERO_TINY" and smaller in the Height enumeration) are for "short stature" subspecies, and has its own element in the #subspecies definition.IntRequired15 to 366
7maleFemininity/femaleFemininityFemininity ranges from 0-100. Cutoffs for femininity are found in this enumeration. Body randomization gives this about a 5-point swing either direction, so the "maleFemininity" is usually <35, unless you want the race to generate androgynous characters instead of masculine ones. For "femaleFemininity", this value is usually >65 to generate only feminine characters, and less to generate androgynous characters.0 to 100
8maleBodySize/femaleBodySizeBody Size ranges from 0-100. Cutoffs for different categories are found in this enumeration.
9maleMuscle/femaleMuscleMuscle ranges from 0-100. Cutoffs for different categories are found in this enumeration.
12armTypeThese body part slots specify a single type that a character of this race can generate with. The text contents should be the internal name of the type. A character can be changed to a different variant in the racial or subspecies changes.

Some slots can use the "NONE" type, to avoid having this part entirely. These are: Wings, Tail, Tentacles, Antenna, Horn, Crotch-Breasts

10antennaTypesThese body part slots can have different varieties, like different horn types.For each type to be made available, add a sub-element with the name "type" and contents of the types internal name. During body generation, the game will pick one of the values listed in the element.Example:




To not use this particular body part, (for example a race without antennae), only add the "NONE" type:




For some body parts, there are generic part types that don't have an associated race. In the enumerations linked below, those particular types will use Race.NONE. These include: Horns, Wings. Generic parts can also be added as modded content.
Element, TextRequired
17anusCapacityCapacity values for various penetrable orifices, from 0.0 to 25.0, following the Capacity enumeration. Approximately the diameter of a comfortable penetration.

Typical values: 1.5 for Anus. 0 for Breasts/Crotch-Breasts. 2.5 for vagin*.

Size must be 7 or greater and capacity must be nonzero for nipple-penetration to be possible.

FloatRequired0.0 to 25.0
18anusWetnessWetness rating for various penetrable orifices in arbitrary units. Enumeration value from 0 to 7, following the Wetness enumeration.

Typical values: 0 ("dry") for Anus. 2 ("moist") for vagin*.

IntRequired0 to 7
19anusDepthDepth rating for various penetrable orifices, ultimately used as a multiplier to depth calculated elsewhere.

Enumeration value from 0 to 7, following the the OrificeDepth enumeration.

Typical value: 2 ("average")

IntRequired0 to 7
20anusElasticityA rating for how quickly an orifice will stretch to accommodate larger penetration. Value from 0 to 7, following the OrificeElasticity enumeration.

Typical values: 3 for Anus and Breasts/Crotch-Breasts. 4 for vagin*.

IntRequired0 to 7
21anusPlasticityRating for how quickly an orifice will recover from being stretched, and if it will recover entirely or partially. Value from 0 to 7, following the OrificePlasticity enumeration.

Typical values: 3 ("resilient", slowly recovers to original size)

If the player has gape content enabled, values above 5 will not recover entirely, and 7 will remain permanently gaped and not recover at all.

IntRequired0 to 7
11maleAntennaLength/femaleAntennaLengthLength in centimeters. Leave as 0 for races without natural antennae.IntRequired
13armRowsHow many pairs of arms characters will spawn with by default. Default value is 1. Up to 3 pairs are supported by the game.IntRequired1 to 3
15maleAssSize/femaleAssSizeThiccness value, from 0 to 7 following the AssSize enumeration.

Typically 2 (small) for male and 3 (large) for female.

IntRequired0 to 7
16maleHipSize/femaleHipSizeSimilar to cakedupness, but for the hips, and following the HipSize enumeration. If omitted, will use the maleAssSize/femaleAssSize values.IntOptional0 to 7
23breastShapesA list of breast shapes available for natural character generation.

Sub-elements are "shape" elements, with the values matching BreastShape.Listing all non-udder shapes manually: <breastShapes>








Alternately, use an empty "breastShape" tag with an "udderShapes" attribute.

The list above can equivalently be entered as <breastShapes udderShapes="false"/>.

Having the "udderShapes" attribute be "true" adds the "UDDER" shape to the list in addition to the rest.

Element, Text OR Empty with attributeRequired
  • WIDE
24maleBreastSize/femaleBreastSizeAn integer from 0 to 91, according to the CupSize enumeration.

For reference, 0 is "flat", 1-3 are not considered breasts for the purposes of sex/gender naming, C-cup is 7, F-cup is 11, and cup sizes F and up progress up as F, FF, G, GG, H, etc. up to N but skipping I/II. Typical values are 0 and 7 for M/F, 6 for crotch-breasts. Size must be 7 or greater and capacity must be nonzero for nipple-penetration to be possible.

IntRequired0 to 91
25maleBreastRows/femaleBreastRowsPairs of breasts, from 1 to up to 6.

Usually 1 for chest, 2 for crotch-breast.

IntRequired1 to 6
26maleNippleSize/femaleNippleSizeAn integer from 0 to 4, according to the NippleSize and AreolaSize enumerations.

Typically nipples are 0 for male, 1 for female, 2 for crotch-breasts. Typically areolas are 0 for male, 2 for female, 2 for crotch-breasts.

IntRequired0 to 4
27maleNippleShape/femaleNippleShapeShape matching the NippleShape enumeration. Typically "NORMAL"TextRequired
  • vagin*
  • LIPS
29maleAreolaeShape/femaleAreolaeShapeShape matching the AreolaShape enumeration. Typically "NORMAL"TextRequired
  • STAR
30maleNippleCountPerBreast/femaleNippleCountPerBreastNumber of nipples per breast, up to 4.IntRequired1 to 4
31maleLactationRate/femaleLactationRateDespite the name, actually controls milk capacity. Integer is amount stored in mL. Typically 0 for races that do not lactate unless pregnant.IntRequired0 to 100000
53maleLipSize/femaleLipSizeLip size rating an integer 0 to 7, according to the LipSize enumeration. Typically 1 ("average-sized") for male and 2 ("full") for female.IntRequired0 to 7
55maleHairLength/femaleHairLengthLength in cm, from 0 to 350. Typically 12 for male, 25 for female. Is overridden by furry/scalie hair preferences.IntRequired0 to 350
57maleHornLength/femaleHornLengthLength in cm, from 0 to 75. Inputting a 0 will disable horns for that femininity, allowing you to let only one spawn with horns. Other horn parameters such as number of rows/points are controlled in the horn #body parts type file.IntRequired0 to 75
59legConfigurationThe default Leg Configuration for this race, following the LegConfiguration enumeration. Usually "BIPEDAL". If subspecies are defined with different leg configurations (for example horse-morph vs centaur), the different leg configurations are applied at the subspecies changes in #body generation. The leg configurations compatible with leg types is controlled in the XML for those legs (see #body parts). Also make sure that the leg configuration used here (and in other places) match up to feral names in #race definition and #subspecies.TextRequired
  • TAIL
61penisLengthLength of the penis (for those who have them), in cm. Must be an integer 0 to 100. A typical value is 18 cm, a little larger than the worldwide average. It's a p*rn game, after all. A value of 0 is "microscopic".IntRequired0 to 100
62penisGirthA thickness rating for dicks and cl*ts, as an integer from 0 to 6, according to the PenetrationGirth enumeration. For penises, typically 2 ("narrow"), 3 ("average"), or 4 ("girthy"). For cl*ts, usually 0 ("thin").IntRequired0 to 6
63testicl*SizeAn integer from 0 to 7 in abstract units, according to the testicl*Size enumeration. Typically 2 ("average", human-sized), 3 ("large", for most furries) or 4 ("huge" for like horses and such).IntRequired0 to 7
64testicl*QuantityNumber of nuts. Allowed values are 2 to 8, and can be odd. Usually 2.IntRequired2 to 8
65cumProductionAn integer for the capacity of cum storage in mL, from 0 to 10000. A typical value is around 80, compared to a realistic average of 1.5-5 mL for real-life ejacul*tions. It's a p*rn game. General "cum levels" are categorized based on the CumProduction enumeration.IntRequired0 to 10000
67tentacleTypeCurrently unused (as of v0.4.9), as tentacles are only used for the leg configuration CEPHALOPOD. Leave this as <tentacleType>NONE</tentacleType>.TextRequiredNONE
70cl*tSizecl*tor*s length in cm, as an integer 0 to 100. A typical value is 0, for just a nub. Lengths above 4 enable using the cl*t as a penetrator. Size enumeration is in cl*tor*sSize.IntRequired0 to 100
78maleWingSize/femaleWingSizeSize rating for wings, as an integer 0 to 4. Usually 0. For wings to enable flight, requires a size of 3 or greater for most leg configurations and all ferals, and 4 (max) for non-ferals with QUADRUPEDAL, TAIL_LONG and ARACHNID.IntRequired0 to 4

Body Parts

These files each define a single part type, and are found in the folder as res\mods\<author>\race\<race name>\bodyParts\<part name>.xml, and the internal name for each is <author>_<race name>_<part name>. While the file name doesn't necessarily have to match what body part it is, it is recommended that you name them so they match (such as keeping the face type in face.xml). There can be multiple types for each body part, for example different tail variants as seen in the salamander-morph race: tailFlame.xml and tailFrost.xml.

These parts appear in the #Body Definition and could also appear in subspecies changes. Many of these will use the #Coverings you define for this race mod.

Depending on the body part, the elements required for each XML differs. Using existing parts from another race as a template is the easiest way to make sure all the required elements are present. You can also refer to the abstract types in src/com/lilithsthrone/game/character/body/abstractTypes. The constructor that takes in an XML file (example public AbstractArmType(File XMLFile, String author, boolean mod) in shows how the object loads up from the XML. Though the elements differ, there are common elements shared between different files:

[root]The root name generally matches the part name, such as "penis" inside "penis.xml". The name of the root does not seem to actually matter though.RootRequired
raceThe name of race for a body part. Usually should be the internal name of the race (e.g. innoxia_hyena).

Can also be set to NONE for "generic" parts that don't affect race calculations, and are available to all racial transformation potions. Avoid doing this for parts other than horns and wings, to avoid cluttering the potion enchantment menu.

transformationNameThe name that will be used when referring to transformations related to this type (such as when changing body parts in the self-TF menu). Usually just the race name (e.g. "hyena"). For different variant types, can be made different to make it easier to choose the right variant for potion making/self-tf.CDATARequired
coveringTypeDepending on the part, should be either an existing covering type, or one of the coverings defined in the race's #Coverings. If the part XML has a code-defined covering (e.g. "TONGUE"), it should probably be left alone.TextRequired
tagsTags associated with the part type. Can define things like whether a face is a muzzle and has fangs, whether a tail can be used to penetrate orifices, etc. Tags can be found in, which has comments to tell you which tags can be used with what parts.

Each sub-element is a "tag" elements with the contents being the tag name, example: <tag>TAIL_TYPE_FUR</tag>If left empty, will generally be filled with default tags.

Element, TextRequired, Can be empty
  • names
  • namesPlural
  • namesMasculine
  • namesFeminine
  • [x] before above
Note the plural in the element name. Each sub-element is a "name" element, with the CDATA contents. Lists out names that can be used to generate body descriptions of this part. Ex:




If left empty, generally uses a generic list.
Element, CDATARequired, Can be empty
  • name
  • namePlural
  • [x]Name
  • [x]NamePlural
Just a single name for a part (or aspect of the part), in the CDATA contents.CDATARequired
  • descriptorsMasculine
  • descriptorsFeminine
  • [x]descriptorsMasculine
  • [x]descriptorsFeminine
Each sub-element is a "descriptor" element, with the CDATA contents. Lists out descriptive statements used to generate body descriptions regarding this part. Ex:





This are outside of the full body description, and are instead used in scenes like sex or combat.
Element, Text/CDATARequired, Can be empty
transformationDescriptionThe description shown when transforming the part into this part, such as when drink a TF potion. Goes through the parser. Depending on the part, may be split into two variants for different conditions, such as single vs multi-tail. Usually ends with a statement clearly summarizing the transformation. Ex:

Letting out an involuntary moan, [] [npc.verb(feel)] [npc.her] penis shifting into a new form, and [npc.sheIs] hit by a wave of overwhelming arousal as a thick sheath suddenly grows around the base of [npc.her] shaft. As [npc.she] [npc.verb(pant)] and [npc.verb(gasp)] for air, the tip of [npc.her] co*ck narrows down as it tapers into its new form.

<br/>[npc.She] now [npc.has] a [style.boldHyena(hyena-like penis)], [npc.materialDescriptor] [npc.penisFullDescription(true)].

<br/>[npc.She] [npc.has] [style.boldHyena([npc.ballsCount]#IF(npc.isInternaltesticl*s()) internal#ENDIF balls)], [npc.materialDescriptor] [npc.ballsFullDescription(true)], which produce [npc.cumColour(true)] [style.boldHyena(hyena cum)].

bodyDescriptionHow this part is described in a character's description page.CDATARequired

Depending on the part, there will be other elements (ex: default girth, penetration modifiers for a penis). In the hyena body parts, there are comments for each.

In the race folder, you can put parts that are not in use (such as horns, wings, etc.) into res\mods\<author>\race\<race name>\unused_bodyParts\. This isn't strictly necessary, as that folder is just ignored, but it can be handy to keep track of what parts are not used (or what parts are WIP).


Coverings are found in the folder as res\mods\<author>\race\<race name>\coveringTypes\<covering>.xml, and the internal name for each is <author>_<race name>_<covering>. You will generally have three for body hair, eyes, and hair (respectively body_hair.xml, eyes.xml and hair.xml), and one covering for fur, scales, skin, etc. depending on what exactly your race needs. Covering types are not inherently tied to any particular race, so if you want to use existing covering types for these, you can. It'll just mean that the coloration for your species will be the same as another's.

These covering types are usually used in the #Body Parts you define for the race. The body hair covering is directly reference in the #Body Definition.

The abstract type is found in src/com/lilithsthrone/game/character/body/coverings/

coveringTypeROOT ELEMENTRootRequired
categoryThe category matching one in The body hair, eyes and hair coverings have their own categories, so don't touch those. For the new fur/scales/skin etc., use one of the "MAIN_X" categories.TextRequired
nameTransformationThe name as it appears in transformation and Kate's makeover menus. Defaults to the value of the "name" element if left out.CDATAOptional
determinerThe determiner which should be used when describing this covering. For fur, it's usually "a layer of", for feathers, it would be something like "a plume of".CDATARequired
nameThe name, used in places such as body descriptions and the body summary tooltip that appears when hovering over a character.CDATARequired
namePluralThe plural of this covering. The 'pluralByDefault' attribute determines whether or not this covering is by default referred to as a plural. For example, a covering of feathers would be pluralByDefault="true", as it should be referred to as 'a plume of feathers', not 'a plume of feather'.CDATARequired
naturalCoveringModifiersThe modifiers available to this covering during character generation. The sub-elements are "modifier" elements with text content matching a The first in the list will be the "default" modifier". If this element is absent or empty, will default to just "SMOOTH", but will throw an error into the log. It's only technically optional, you should really fill this one out.Element, TextOptional, Can be Empty
extraCoveringModifiersDefined the same way as "naturalCoveringModifiers", gives more modifiers available in transformation menus.Element, TextOptional, Can be Empty
  • naturalPatterns
  • extraPatterns
Creates mappings of covering patterns and weights to use when generating this covering. See #Covering Patterns.Element, TextOptional, Can be Empty


Lists of colors available to this covering. See #Covering Colors.Element, TextOptional, Can be Empty

Covering Patterns

The "naturalPatterns" and "extraPatterns" maps are used to give weighted probabilities for different fur/skin/scale patterns to appear in generated characters.

The subelements are each "pattern" elements, with an attribute "weighting" giving an integer weight, and the content matching one of the patterns in The ones you should generally use are:

  • NONE

"NONE" is plain and unpatterned.

An example of a natural pattern map, from Hyena-morph fur:


<pattern weighting="1">SPOTTED</pattern>

<pattern weighting="1">STRIPED</pattern>


If "naturalPatterns" is absent or empty, the map is just filled with "NONE" with a weight of 1. If a pattern is in both "extraPatterns" and "naturalPatterns", then that pattern is skipped over in "extraPatterns".

Covering Colors

These elements define which colors are available to the covering. If the covering is patterned, "primary" colors are on the ground, and "secondary" colors are the one that appear in pattern markings. For example, striped fur with orange as the primary and black as the secondary might be described as "orange with black stripes" in body descriptions. The colors in the "natural" lists are used when generating characters, and the "extra" colors only appear in transformation menus changing the colors of the covering.

There are two ways to set these lists:

  1. Use a "values" attribute in this element. The "value" attribute matches a color list preset found in, such as "naturalFurColours".
  2. Explicitly list out colors. For each color to add to the list, create a "colour" sub-element with the text value being a color in Usually, you would use one of the one starting with "COVERING_".

The example in hyena-morph fur:






<extraColoursPrimary values="allCoveringColours"/>




<extraColoursSecondary values="allCoveringColours"/>

Note you can use either the "values" attribute with a colour list preset, or list out the preset colors as sub-elements, but not in the same element. If you have both, the list preset given in the "values" attribute takes precedent.


Book Entries



Each individual color XML file defines a custom text color, as res/mods/<author>/colours/<colour name>.xml (note the UK spelling). The internal name of the color is <author>_<colour name> (ex: clayRed.xml).

colourROOT ELEMENTRootRequired
metallicFor metallic colors, the color selection will have shading for a metal luster, and will have "metallic" automatically added to certain descriptions. Should be "false" in most cases, since most of the time the custom colors are used in description or icon text.BooleanRequired
  • true
  • false
nameThe name of the color, used when displayed in descriptions or color selections.CDataRequired
colourA hex code for the color. Six hexadecimal digits, for RGB. Uses the Java function Integer.parseInt Oracle Doc. Ex: a62e21TextRequired
lightColourA lighter version of the "colour" element. When using this for description text and icons, can just be the same as "colour".TextRequired
coveringIconColourThe color displayed in color selections. Can be left out or be left empty, in which case this defaults to the value in "colour".TextOptional
formattingNamesAlias names for this color, especially convenient for parser color formatting. Sub elements should be "name" elements, with CData content of the alias.

Example: <name><![CDATA[brickRed]]></name> in the color XML will let the parser use [style.boldBrickRed(This text gets displayed as brick red)] for color styling.

Element, CDataOptional
tagsPurportedly adds colors to certain lists for covering generation, etc. Does not appear to actually do anything yet. Leave as empty-tag element. Subelements would be "tag" elements, with the content being text matching a ColourTag.Element, TextOptional

Using Colors

Usually though, you can use one of the preset colors here:

These colors are used either as text mod XML files, or in CData sent through the parser.

When using the colors in an XML file, it should use the internal name of the color (ex: sightglass_clayRed).

When using it to style text in the parser (see the parser primer section on style), use one of the formattingNames (ex: [style.boldBrickRed(This text gets displayed as brick red)]).

Combat Moves

Name Lists

Other Resources

  • Modding:Parser Primer / Parser Command Reference / Parser Target and Binding Reference
  • Modding:XML File Format Primer
  • Modding:Inkscape Guide for LT
  • Modding:General Modding Guide
Modding:Race Modding Guide - Lilith's Throne (2024)
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Name: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

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Introduction: My name is Msgr. Refugio Daniel, I am a fine, precious, encouraging, calm, glamorous, vivacious, friendly person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.