Lost Lands 8 - Part 2 (2024)

This is our walkthrough for Part 2 of Lost Lands 8, an mystery puzzle game from Five-BN games. In this part we have escaped from the courtyard garden of Maaron's house but still need to find a way to activate the dolmen. On the path we encounter a Halfling in need of help.

Lost Lands 8 - Part 2 (1)

Help the Halfling

Tap on the cart with the broken wheel. Watch the cut scene and you will now need to help repair the cart.

Collection Item: a second boot on the ground on the lower right

Morphing object: Feather / corn on the fence on the lower left.

View the split bag of grain on the ground in the center of the path. Collect some Grain from the ground.

Lost Lands 8 - Part 2 (2)

Then view the broken ladder that is leaning on the shack on the right.

Tap it and you will collect the 'steps' from it.

Lost Lands 8 - Part 2 (3)

Now tap on the door of the shack to view it and then on the latch to open the door. Go inside.

Lost Lands 8 - Part 2 (4)

This is a hen house, there is a chicken on a cart wheel on the top left.

Use the grain on the chickens and they will be lured outside. You can now go back into the hen house and collect the cart wheel from the top shelf.

Lost Lands 8 - Part 2 (5)

You can now view the broken cartwheel again, use the new cartwheel on it and the old one will be removed.

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Then complete the fitting of the new wheel by adding the round silver axle cap, and then the small peg. Use the rock on the peg to hammer it home.

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Next tap on a small red bucket that is on the left of the path just above the cart.

Lost Lands 8 - Part 2 (8)

Collect the rope.

Back up to the first scene in the garden of the house. Then tap to view the ladder on the side of the house again.

Lost Lands 8 - Part 2 (9)

Use the steps that you have collected here. And then the rope to fix the ladder. You can then go Up into the top of the house.

Lost Lands 8 - Part 2 (10)

This is a Hidden Object Scene. There are 15 items to find.


A symbol on the wall top left.

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In the box on the floor to the right of center,

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A wooden bucked with long handle on the ground to the right.

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A round ball of cord hanging from a shelf on the top left.

Lost Lands 8 - Part 2 (14)

Rolling Pin

On the far left next to the large box.

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A symbol on the wood on the far right.

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A padlock on the top right.

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The round bowl on the floor, bottom center.

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Fly Agaric

Round red mushroom head on the top left shelf.

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Tap the green curtain to make it fall, there is then a Hare shaped item to collect on top of it.

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Spice Scoop

On the shelf behind where the green curtain was.

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A symbol on the front of the large box on the left.

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Open the lid of the large box on the left and look inside. The compass is on the left.

Lost Lands 8 - Part 2 (23)


Tap the pink dove item on the floor and then on the dovecot on the right where there is already a white dove.

Lost Lands 8 - Part 2 (24)

This will place the pink one there and the lid will open. Look inside.

The needle is on the blue thread.

Lost Lands 8 - Part 2 (25)


In the same view as above tap the egg with the scissors to collect them.

Lost Lands 8 - Part 2 (26)

Completing this gives you the needle with thread.

Exit the house, Then move through to the area with the cart again.

View the split sack of grain on the floor again and then use the needle on it to repair it.

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You can then tap the sack to place it back into the cart. The halfling will thank you and give you a 'Tile'.

Find a Rune for the dolmen

Now tap to view the small green tree with colorful items hanging on it.

Lost Lands 8 - Part 2 (28)

Collect a pearl from it that is in the tree just to the right of center. You can then collect 2 Kyoll coins.

1 id on the left center and the other is hanging from a ribbon at the bottom, you need to use the knife on the one at the bottom to cut it free. (Kyoll 3 and 4 of 6)

Next tap on the pile of rocks on the left of the scene. There is a blue ribbon underneath but you cannot move the rock yet.

Lost Lands 8 - Part 2 (29)

Back up and view the remains of the broken ladder on the side of the hen house on the right.

Collect the long stick that remains.

Lost Lands 8 - Part 2 (30)

Now go back to the rocks and use the stick to move the large one.

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You can now collect a snake skin from the rock and then tap the parcel to unwrap it. Inside is a green glass jar.

Tap the jar and you will pick it up and the smash it on the ground.

Lost Lands 8 - Part 2 (32)

You can now collect 2 more Kyoll coins (5 and 6 of 6) and also collect the bottom of the jar as a glass shard.

Return to the Garden.

First view the small tangled tree stump that is just to the right of the center path.

Lost Lands 8 - Part 2 (33)

Collect 2 poppy seed heads, from the upper left and the bottom right. (2 of 2)

Then enter the main room of the house again. View the picture of the fish on the right wall. Then add the green glass to it.

Use the green glass on the picture to see the final ingredient. Eggshells.

Lost Lands 8 - Part 2 (34)

Go back out to the road and enter the hen house. Tap on the nest to collect some eggshells.

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Then return to the house and view the table on the left.

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Add the eggshells, the snakeskin, the pearl and the poppy seed heads to the table and they will be added to the bowl. Then tap the mortar on the left and then the bowl and the mixture will be made.

Tap the bowl again to collect Mixture of the hidden light.

Lost Lands 8 - Part 2 (37)

Exit the house and view the small pond on the left under the tree.

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Add the mixture to the water and when the water clears you will see a small chest.

Tap on the chest and you will be prompted to get a hook on a rope. You need to do this before you can collect the hook.

Go back out to the path outside the garden and tap again on the small red bucket on the upper path.

There is a hook on the handle that you can now collect.

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View the hook in your inventory and add the rope to it.

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Now return to the pond and use the Rope with hook on the chest to retrieve it.

You will also get the rope back.

On the front of the chest is a star shape, add the star you have collected to it. A panel opens.

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Look inside the panel and notice the 6 empty round slots. Add the 6 kyoll coins to it to open the lid of the chest.

You will then see a puzzle.

Lost Lands 8 - Part 2 (42)

To solve this puzzle you need to swap the shaped pieces so that each row or column has only one of each color of chip or number.



Lost Lands 8 - Part 2 (43)

When the chest opens you can view a note about the Stronghold. Then collect a Boar emblem and A Rune.

Now tap on the stone arch on the right of the the garden. This is the dolmen.

You will view a stone on the ground with a round slot in it for the Rune.

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Add the rune to it and the dolmen portal will activate. You can then tap to move though to the Stronghold area.

Lost Lands 8 - Part 2 (45)

Continue in Part 3

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Lost Lands 8 - Part 2 (2024)
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Author: Twana Towne Ret

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Author information

Name: Twana Towne Ret

Birthday: 1994-03-19

Address: Apt. 990 97439 Corwin Motorway, Port Eliseoburgh, NM 99144-2618

Phone: +5958753152963

Job: National Specialist

Hobby: Kayaking, Photography, Skydiving, Embroidery, Leather crafting, Orienteering, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Twana Towne Ret, I am a famous, talented, joyous, perfect, powerful, inquisitive, lovely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.