Gentry | social class (2024)

In history of Europe: Nobles and gentlemen

…the two terms nobleman and gentleman indicates the difficulty of definition. The terms were loosely used to mark the essential distinction between members of an upper class and the rest. In France, above knights and esquires without distinctive title, ranged barons, viscounts, counts, and marquises, until the summit was reached…

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early modern Eastern Europe

  • Gentry | social class (1)

    In history of Europe: Turkey and eastern Europe

    …Vistula and the Dnestr, the landowning class achieved a political independence that weakened the power of monarchy. The towns entered a period of decline, and the propertied class, though divided by rivalry between the magnates and the lesser gentry, everywhere reduced their peasantry to servitude. In Poland and Bohemia the…

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  • Gentry | social class (2)

    In United Kingdom: Economy and society

    …the population: the landed country gentlemen and their socially inferior cousins, the merchants and lawyers. By 1500 the essential economic basis for the landed country gentleman’s future political and social ascendancy was being formed: the 15th-century knight of the shire was changing from a desperate and irresponsible land proprietor, ready…

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  • Gentry | social class (3)

    In United Kingdom: The consolidation of the Reformation

    …the hands of the landed gentry. The legend of a “golden shower” is false; monastic property was never given away at bargain prices, nor was it consciously presented to the kingdom in order to win the support of the ruling elite. Instead, most—though not all—of the land was sold at…

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  • Gentry | social class (4)

    In United Kingdom: Economy and society

    Below them were the gentry, who probably composed only about 5 percent of the rural population but who were rising in importance and prestige. The gentry were not distinguished by title, though many were knights and several hundred purchased the rank of baronet (hereditary knighthoods) after it was created…

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history of the term \"gentleman\"

  • Gentry | social class (5)

    In gentleman

    …the 16th century the “gentry” were officially regarded as constituting a distinct order. At the same time, the badge of this distinction came to be thought of as the heralds’ recognition of the right to bear arms. This view was quite unhistorical, for many gentlemen of long descent had…

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  • Gentry | social class (6)

    In Poland: Political developments

    …magnate oligarchy and the dynamic gentry, with the rulers generally favouring the former. The option of relying on the burghers, as was done by western European rulers, was not available because the towns (Gdańsk and some Royal Prussian towns excepted) allowed themselves to be eliminated from political struggles. The reformers…

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In France, above knights and esquires without distinctive title, ranged barons, viscounts, counts, and marquises, until the summit was reached…","publisher":{"name":"Encyclopedia Britannica","@type":"Organization","logo":{"url":"","@type":"ImageObject"}},"@context":"","@type":"article"},"studentArticle":false,"initialLoad":true}





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social class

Learn about this topic in these articles:

17th- and 18th-century Europe

  • Gentry | social class (14)

    In history of Europe: Nobles and gentlemen

    …the two terms nobleman and gentleman indicates the difficulty of definition. The terms were loosely used to mark the essential distinction between members of an upper class and the rest. In France, above knights and esquires without distinctive title, ranged barons, viscounts, counts, and marquises, until the summit was reached…

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early modern Eastern Europe

  • Gentry | social class (15)

    In history of Europe: Turkey and eastern Europe

    …Vistula and the Dnestr, the landowning class achieved a political independence that weakened the power of monarchy. The towns entered a period of decline, and the propertied class, though divided by rivalry between the magnates and the lesser gentry, everywhere reduced their peasantry to servitude. In Poland and Bohemia the…

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  • Gentry | social class (16)

    In United Kingdom: Economy and society

    …the population: the landed country gentlemen and their socially inferior cousins, the merchants and lawyers. By 1500 the essential economic basis for the landed country gentleman’s future political and social ascendancy was being formed: the 15th-century knight of the shire was changing from a desperate and irresponsible land proprietor, ready…

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  • Gentry | social class (17)

    In United Kingdom: The consolidation of the Reformation

    …the hands of the landed gentry. The legend of a “golden shower” is false; monastic property was never given away at bargain prices, nor was it consciously presented to the kingdom in order to win the support of the ruling elite. Instead, most—though not all—of the land was sold at…

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  • Gentry | social class (18)

    In United Kingdom: Economy and society

    Below them were the gentry, who probably composed only about 5 percent of the rural population but who were rising in importance and prestige. The gentry were not distinguished by title, though many were knights and several hundred purchased the rank of baronet (hereditary knighthoods) after it was created…

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history of the term "gentleman"

  • Gentry | social class (19)

    In gentleman

    …the 16th century the “gentry” were officially regarded as constituting a distinct order. At the same time, the badge of this distinction came to be thought of as the heralds’ recognition of the right to bear arms. This view was quite unhistorical, for many gentlemen of long descent had…

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  • Gentry | social class (20)

    In Poland: Political developments

    …magnate oligarchy and the dynamic gentry, with the rulers generally favouring the former. The option of relying on the burghers, as was done by western European rulers, was not available because the towns (Gdańsk and some Royal Prussian towns excepted) allowed themselves to be eliminated from political struggles. The reformers…

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Gentry | social class (2024)
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Name: Madonna Wisozk

Birthday: 2001-02-23

Address: 656 Gerhold Summit, Sidneyberg, FL 78179-2512

Phone: +6742282696652

Job: Customer Banking Liaison

Hobby: Flower arranging, Yo-yoing, Tai chi, Rowing, Macrame, Urban exploration, Knife making

Introduction: My name is Madonna Wisozk, I am a attractive, healthy, thoughtful, faithful, open, vivacious, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.