Dinar Recaps Blog Page — Dinar Recaps (2024)

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Militiaman, News Dinar Recaps 20 Militiaman, News Dinar Recaps 20

IQD Update - Iraq Dinar News - World Bank - Central Bank under fire? - Al-Sudani Meeting - WTO

MilitiaMan and Crew: 7-30-2024

The Crew: Samson, PompeyPeter, Petra, Daytrader, Sunkissed, GIGI and Militia Man

Be sure to listen to full video for all the news……..

IQD Update - Iraq Dinar News - World Bank - Central Bank under fire? - Al-Sudani Meeting - WTO

MilitiaMan and Crew: 7-30-2024

The Crew: Samson, PompeyPeter, Petra, Daytrader, Sunkissed, GIGI and Militia Man

Be sure to listen to full video for all the news……..


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Frank26, KTFA Dinar Recaps 20 Frank26, KTFA Dinar Recaps 20


Monday Night Conference Call

FRANK26…..7-29-24…….CATCH UP

This video is in Frank’s and his team’s opinion only

Frank’s team is Walkingstick, Eddie in Iraq and guests

Playback Number: 605-313-5163 PIN: 156996#



Monday Night Conference Call

FRANK26…..7-29-24…….CATCH UP

This video is in Frank’s and his team’s opinion only

Frank’s team is Walkingstick, Eddie in Iraq and guests

Playback Number: 605-313-5163 PIN: 156996#



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Parliamentary Committee To Nina: These Are Our Observations On The Central Bank’s Measures To Confront The Rise In The Dollar Exchange Rate

Monday 29 July 2024 17:26 | Economic Number of readings: 309

Baghdad / NINA / The Parliamentary Committee on Economy, Industry and Trade disclosed a number of observations related to the Central Bank's measures to confront the rise in the dollar exchange rate against the dinar.

Member of the committee, MP Osama Al-Badri, stated that "there are different observations and points of view regarding the current measures of the Central Bank of Iraq in light of the lack of control over the rise in the exchange rate of the currency."

He explained that "the instability of the exchange rate has caused the emergence of the parallel market and increased the economic burden on citizens in light of the rise in prices due to the fluctuation of the exchange rate, and this requires the Central Bank's management to take effective measures to limit the impact of the parallel market."

Parliamentary Committee To Nina: These Are Our Observations On The Central Bank’s Measures To Confront The Rise In The Dollar Exchange Rate

Monday 29 July 2024 17:26 | Economic Number of readings: 309

Baghdad / NINA / The Parliamentary Committee on Economy, Industry and Trade disclosed a number of observations related to the Central Bank's measures to confront the rise in the dollar exchange rate against the dinar.

Member of the committee, MP Osama Al-Badri, stated that "there are different observations and points of view regarding the current measures of the Central Bank of Iraq in light of the lack of control over the rise in the exchange rate of the currency."

He explained that "the instability of the exchange rate has caused the emergence of the parallel market and increased the economic burden on citizens in light of the rise in prices due to the fluctuation of the exchange rate, and this requires the Central Bank's management to take effective measures to limit the impact of the parallel market."

He added that "the Central Bank needs to adopt more decisive policies and coordinate with government agencies to achieve tangible economic stability," calling on the Central Bank to take serious steps to reduce the gap between the official exchange rate of 1320 dinars per dollar, and the parallel market and ensure price stability. / https://ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?Key=1144263

Dollar Exchange Rates Stabilize At High Level, Exceeding 150 Thousand
Economy | 11:12 - 07/29/2024 Mawazine News – Baghdad Dollar exchange rates against the Iraqi dinar in local markets in Baghdad. - Selling 150,500 dinars for every 100 dollars. - Buying 148,500 dinars for every 100 dollars. https://www.mawazin.net/Details.aspx?jimare=252265

Finance Ministry Discusses With World Bank Financing Of Transport And Social Development Projects

Monday 29 July 2024 13:15 | Economic Number of readings: 236 Baghdad / NINA / A meeting was held today, Monday, at the headquarters of the Ministry of Finance between the Minister of Finance, Taif Sami Mohammed, and a delegation from the World Bank headed by the Regional Director of the Middle East Department, Jean-Christophe Carre, to discuss ways to enhance cooperation in the field of economic and social development.

The ministry stated in a statement, "The meeting's axes focused in particular on supporting transportation, railway and infrastructure projects related to the development road linking Iraq and Turkey towards the European continent, in addition to financing the programs of the Social Fund for Development."

It added: "These projects seek to improve the quality of services for citizens, enhance economic growth, and provide new job opportunities. The expected benefits of these projects are summarized in developing the road and transportation network, in addition to supporting small and medium enterprises and reducing poverty and unemployment."

During the meeting, the two sides expressed "their optimism about the possibility of reaching fruitful cooperation agreements that would contribute to achieving sustainable development in Iraq." https://ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?key=1144202

Foreign Remittance Sales Rise By 95% At Central Bank Of Iraq Auction

Time: 2024/07/29 Read: 728 times {Economic: Al Furat News} Sales of foreign remittances at the Central Bank of Iraq auction, today, Monday, witnessed a 95% increase compared to cash sales, reaching more than 257 million dollars.

During the auction, the Central Bank sold 269 million, 128 thousand, and 473 dollars, which was covered at a basic exchange rate of 1310 dinars per dollar for documentary credits and international settlements for electronic cards, at a rate of 1310 dinars per dollar for foreign transfers, and at a rate of 1305 dinars per dollar for cash.

Most of the dollar sales were directed to strengthening the balances abroad in the form of transfers and credits, which amounted to 257 million, 128 thousand, and 473 dollars, an increase of 95% compared to cash sales, which amounted to 12 million dollars.

The number of banks that purchased cash dollars was one bank, while the number of banks that met requests to enhance balances abroad was 17 banks. 17 exchange and brokerage companies participated in the auction. LINK

Iraq's Oil Reserves Are In Excess Of The Classification

Time: 2024/07/29 Read: 2,275 times {Economic: Al Furat News} Oil expert Hamza Al Jawahiri revealed, today, Monday, the quantities of unclassified oil reserves in Iraq.

Al-Jawahiri told {Euphrates News} that: "The oil companies operating in Iraq are developing the fields primarily and there are always increases in production from the fields that are being developed," noting that "Iraq is committed to its share within OPEC countries and cannot export quantities larger than those allocated."

He added, "Iraq now has more than one million barrels of oil in excess of the classification and it is kept in the wells and cannot be produced because the quantity of production and manufacturing is limited."

Al-Jawahiri explained that "the companies produce the oil and deliver it to Iraq and they are the ones who dispose of the quantities they sell."

Iraq aims to increase its oil reserves to 160 billion barrels, which coincides with its efforts to raise crude production to 8 million barrels per day by 2027, in addition to achieving self-sufficiency in gas, according to data obtained by the Energy Research Unit (based in Washington).

Iraq's oil reserves are the fifth largest in the world, accounting for 8% of the total global crude reserves, and represent approximately 12% of OPEC reserves, and 17% of proven reserves in the Middle East.

According to the latest estimates issued by Oil & Gas Journal, Iraq's proven oil reserves amounted to about 145.019 billion barrels by the end of 2023.

Oil Minister Hayan Abdul Ghani expressed his hope that the country's oil reserves would exceed 160 billion barrels, during the launch of two new licensing rounds to invest in 29 fields, in addition to exploration blocks for oil and gas.

Abdul Ghani confirmed that the government will support the winning companies and provide them with the necessary facilities.

Iraq, a founding member of OPEC, announced its commitment, like other countries, to reduce voluntary production to support prices affected by economic uncertainty. LINK

Stock Exchange Achieves Positive Results For The Second Day In A Row

Market Economy News – Baghdad The stock market index rose by 0.18% on Monday, for the second day in a row. During today's session, 4.2 billion shares were traded, worth 1.7 billion dinars.

It also witnessed the execution of 526 transactions on the shares of 30 traded companies.

The shares of 7 companies rose, while the shares of 11 other companies fell.

97 views 07/29/2024 - https://economy-news.net/content.php?id=45719

Brent Crude At $81 Per Barrel

Economy | 07:55 - 07/29/2024 Mawazine News – Baghdad Oil prices rose on Monday, paring last week’s losses, on concerns about a widening conflict in the Middle East after a rocket attack on the occupied Golan Heights that Israel and the United States blamed on the Lebanese militant group Hezbollah.

Brent crude futures were up 20 cents, or 0.3 percent, at $81.33 a barrel by 0010 GMT. U.S. West Texas Intermediate (WTI) crude futures were up 9 cents, or 0.1 percent, at $77.25 a barrel. Brent crude lost 1.8 percent last week, while WTI fell 3.7 percent, amid weaker Chinese demand and hopes for a ceasefire in Gaza.

On the demand side, data released earlier this month showed China’s total fuel oil imports fell 11 percent in the first half of 2024, raising concerns about the broader demand outlook in China, the world’s biggest importer of crude oil. https://www.mawazin.net/Details.aspx?jimare=252250

For current and reliable Iraqi news please visit:https://www.bondladyscorner.com/

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Economics, News Dinar Recaps 20 Economics, News Dinar Recaps 20

BRICS NEWS: From Malaysia, Thailand and Turkey Accession to Launch of Intra-bank System

Fastepo: 7-29-2024

Over the past month, BRICS has seen significant developments, ranging from countries expressing interest in joining the bloc to the launch of an intra-bank payment system and financial system integration.

In this video, we will provide a quick update on these key events and offer a comprehensive overview of BRICS' position as of July 2024, along with the reasons why various countries are keen to join.

BRICS NEWS: From Malaysia, Thailand and Turkey Accession to Launch of Intra-bank System

Fastepo: 7-29-2024

Over the past month, BRICS has seen significant developments, ranging from countries expressing interest in joining the bloc to the launch of an intra-bank payment system and financial system integration.

In this video, we will provide a quick update on these key events and offer a comprehensive overview of BRICS' position as of July 2024, along with the reasons why various countries are keen to join.


BRICS' STRATEGIC WIN: Malaysia Joins BRICS, Russian FM Visits Malaysia As NATO Views Southeast Asia

Lena Petrova: 7-29-2024


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Chats and Rumors, Economics Dinar Recaps 20 Chats and Rumors, Economics Dinar Recaps 20


Clare: Clare: Spain signs EUR 1bn Cooperation Agreement with Iraq

29th July 2024 By John Lee.

TheSpanish Export Credit Agency (CESCE)has signed an agreement with Iraq's Sovereign Guarantees Committee to enhance cooperation between Spain and Iraq.

The €1 billion agreement aims to facilitate Spanish companies in executing mutually agreed projects to support the development of Iraq's private industry under CESCE's coverage.


Clare: Clare: Spain signs EUR 1bn Cooperation Agreement with Iraq

29th July 2024 By John Lee.

TheSpanish Export Credit Agency (CESCE)has signed an agreement with Iraq's Sovereign Guarantees Committee to enhance cooperation between Spain and Iraq.

The €1 billion agreement aims to facilitate Spanish companies in executing mutually agreed projects to support the development of Iraq's private industry under CESCE's coverage.

The agreement underscores the commitment of both countries to boost trade, develop business lines, and provide access to Spanish technology and expertise for large-scale projects across various sectors.

CESCE will support the export of equipment, industrial plants, and production lines for key industries in Iraq. The Iraqi government will provide sovereign guarantees for the financing of these contracts, ensuring legal and economic security for the transactions and encouraging investment.

The agreement was signed at CESCE's headquarters by its Executive President, Fernando Salazar, and Mohammed Sahib Al-Darraji, Technical Advisor to the Iraqi Prime Minister, in the presence of Iraqi Ambassador Salih Husain Ali.

This move aligns Spain with countries like Japan and Italy, which have also signed cooperation agreements with Iraq to strengthen economic and commercial ties. LINK


Clare: Austrian Company wins Licence for Compliance Certificates in Iraq

29th July 2024By John Lee.

The Iraqi Ministry of Planning signed a contract with Austrian companyTÜV Austria, granting it a license to inspect and issue compliance certificates for goods imported into Iraq.

The contract was signed by Dr. Hussein Ali Dawood, head of theCentral Organization for Standardization and Quality Control (COSQC), and Firas Mueed Hassan, the company's authorized representative in Iraq.

Dr. Dawood emphasized the importance of this partnership in ensuring the quality and safety of imported goods, which will benefit Iraqi consumers. He highlighted that TÜV Austria operates in several countries, including Iran, and this collaboration aims to strengthen economic and trade relations with Austria.

Austrian Ambassador to Iraq, Dr. Andrea Nasi, who attended the signing ceremony, noted that the partnership will aid Iraq's recovery by ensuring the import of quality goods and streamlining import procedures, thereby supporting the Iraqi market. LINK


Courtesy of Dinar Guru: https://www.dinarguru.com/

Jeff Did you know the US troops are going to start getting removed in the month of September? Did you know Iraq will finish their accession to the World Trade in August? ...They still have 150 laws that need to be done. They have a whole bunch of projects they need to start...The budget is not published in the Gazette...Did you know completing and implementing the reforms is a World Trade requirement but yet they're going to finish their accession in the month of August? ...everything is waiting on this right here [the budget]...

Mike Bara [via Judy Byington] The word I have is that Thursday night 25 July 2024, the US Treasury told Iraq that if they didn’t revalue their currency per the agreements “immediately,” UST would force the issue. Iraq responded that they were holding up because of concerns about some smaller banks that they suspected were doing business with the Iranians. They are determined that no RV funds make their way to Iran, because the two countries are historic enemies. UST responded by seizing the 5 banks, consolidating them into a single, manageable entity, and pushing the RV through. ...Sat. 27 July 2024 the Central Bank of Iraq made the announcement regarding this transaction. As far as I know, this is the last hurdle to the revaluation.


With a grand celebration attended by dignitaries.. The opening date of the "architectural masterpiece" of the Central Bank is revealed - Urgent

A responsible source in the Central Bank of Iraq revealed, today, Monday (July 29, 2024), the imminent opening of the bank’s new building in the center of the capital, Baghdad.

The source told Baghdad Today, "It is scheduled that at the end of the current year or the beginning of the new year at the latest, the Central Bank building will be opened as the first architectural masterpiece with a height of (172) meters and includes (38) floors, including offices, meeting rooms, and fortified storage areas for money and gold, in addition to celebration halls and various theaters."

The source, who requested anonymity, added, "The opening of the Central Bank building will be accompanied by a very large celebration attended by senior officials in the Iraqi state, in addition to representatives of embassies and diplomatic missions. Moving the bank to this building will also ease traffic congestion in the Rashid area and nearby areas."

Work began on the new Central Bank building in 2018, designed by the late Iraqi architect Zaha Hadid. link

Dinar Recaps Blog Page — Dinar Recaps (2)


Greg Mannarino: 7-29-2024


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Economics, Gold and Silver, News DINARRECAPS8 Economics, Gold and Silver, News DINARRECAPS8

Good afternoon Dinar Recaps,

Worldwide, People Reject the Central Bank Digital Currency

"Do people want central bank digital currencies, better known as CBDCs? Countries that have experimented with or launched digital versions of their respective currencies have witnessed little fanfare for these endeavors. Put simply,they are not appealing to the general public.

Yet governments are still foisting them onto their populations, perhaps because they might be the greatest surveillance tool known to man."

"At the onset of the coronavirus pandemic,the Bahamas became the first nation in the world to issue a central bank digital currency.Whether it was out of fear that touching physical cash would result in COVID is unclear.

Good afternoon Dinar Recaps,

Worldwide, People Reject the Central Bank Digital Currency

"Do people want central bank digital currencies, better known as CBDCs? Countries that have experimented with or launched digital versions of their respective currencies have witnessed little fanfare for these endeavors. Put simply,
they are not appealing to the general public.

Yet governments are still foisting them onto their populations, perhaps because they might be the greatest surveillance tool known to man."

"At the onset of the coronavirus pandemic,the Bahamas became the first nation in the world to issue a central bank digital currency.Whether it was out of fear that touching physical cash would result in COVID is unclear.

But the Caribbean island made history nevertheless by unleashing the Sand Dollar digital currency.It maintains two forms: retail and wholesale. The former allows consumers to utilize the CBDC, while the latter is solely dedicated to financial institutions."

"Now, about four years after the Sand Dollar’s introduction, it accounts for less than 1% of the money in circulation as acceptance and usage by businesses and consumers remain limited.

Additionally, digital wallet values tumbled to $12 million in the first eight months of last year (the latest data), down from $49.8 million in the same period a year ago."

"China became one of the world’s largest economies to introduce a central bank digital currency, known as the digital yuan or e-CNY. It had been years in the making, and because the Asian powerhouse is a hyper-digital location, officials had high expectations and believed their communities would ebulliently embrace the e-CNY. Today, there is very little action in the world of CBDCs."

"INDIA'S CBDC – the digital RUPEE – has experienced a decline in usage.Transaction rates had been solid in the months following its launch, mainly because the country’s banks had disbursed employee benefits in CBDC units.However, more consumers and merchants have shrugged off the authoritarian digital payment “innovation” throughout 2024."

"With growing pushback, central banks have modified their expectations.According to a 2023 Business of International Settlements survey, the number of central banks that are very likely to issue a retail or wholesale CBDC within three to six years has diminished significantly from the 2022 survey."

"The Atlantic Council maintains a CBDC tracker, which shows that 36 countries are in the pilot phase. Thirty are still in the development stage, and 44 are actively researching a central bank digital currency. Seventeen are inactive, while two have been canceled.

What about the United States? The Federal Reserve insists that it is several years away from putting together a CBDC. Republican lawmakers have introduced legislation to put the kibosh on its creation. Former President Donald Trump and independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. pledge to ban the formation of a CBDC."

@ Newshounds News™

Read more:Currency Insider


Indian Expert Says BRICS, SCO May MERGE in Five Years

" BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa) may merge with the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) within the next five years, giving birth to a stronger entity with a more meaningful role,Robinder Sachdev, president of the New Delhi-based analytical center, the Imagindia Institute, told TASS."

"Both BRICS and SCO are initially founded by China and Russia.Many big picture goals of both organizations are same. It is necessary for both organizations to have very different roadmap in future.Otherwise, I have said many times that it is now time to consider merging of the SCO and BRICS into a single organization."

""If the BRICS countries work together strongly on some common agenda then BRICS can have an important role. If BRICS becomes a strong organization, then it can play very important role in building the New World Matrix of the 21st century," he stressed.

"BRIC was established in 2006 by Brazil, Russia, India, and China. In 2011, South Africa joined the group, adding the S to the acronym."

"Set up in 2001 in Shanghai, the SCO initially included six countries, namely Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, China, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan. India and Pakistan joined in 2017. Iran was admitted to the organization at the SCO virtual summit in early July.

@ Newshounds News™

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XRP News Today: Ripple-Led $1.5 Billion Token Flood to Hit Market in August

August is a major month for crypto token unlocks, with nearly $1.5 billion worth of tokens hitting the market.

Ripple leads the pack with a $609 million XRP unlock,followed by Avalanche and Wormhole.

Numerous other projects, including Sui, dYdX, ZetaChain, ImmutableX, Aptos, The Sandbox, Starknet, and Arbitrum.

XRP This morning $0.61 up 0.54%

@ Newshounds News™

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Swiss regulator FINMA targets stablecoin issuers in new proposal

As stablecoins continue to gain traction globally, regulatory initiatives such as FINMA’s guidance are likely to influence policies in other jurisdictions.

In a move aimed at bolstering regulatory oversight and mitigating financial risks, the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority (FINMA) has proposed new guidelines for stablecoin issuers.The proposal comes amid growing concerns over the potential impact of stablecoins on regulated institutions and the broader financial ecosystem.

Stablecoins — digital assets linked to the value of traditional currencies or other assets — have experienced increased adoption.However, their rapid growth has also prompted global regulatory concerns due to potential illicit activity and misuse.

In its guidance issued on July 26,FINMA emphasized that stablecoin issuers must be subject to the same Anti-Money Laundering (AML) obligations as traditional financial institutions. This includes verifying the identity of stablecoin holders and establishing the identity of beneficial owners.

In addition to AML compliance, FINMA explained how stablecoin issuers can operate without a banking license if they meet certain conditions. It claims that these conditions ensure depositors are protected, and issuers must have a bank guarantee in case of default.

While FINMA claims its measures boost depositor protection, they do not match the security of a banking license. Still, the regulator is committed to mitigating default guarantee risks and ensuring stablecoin issuers meet robust standards to safeguard customers.

The stablecoin sector has experienced exponential expansion in recent times, reaching an unprecedented market capitalization in 2023. In response, global regulators are hastening to establish guidelines for this rapidly evolving sector.

According to the “PwC Global Crypto Regulation Report 2023,”at least 25 countries,including Switzerland, had implemented stablecoin regulations or legislation by the year’s end.

@ Newshounds News™

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Coin Telegraph


Malaysia sends application to Russia to join BRICS — PM

Lavrov promised that as the BRICS president Russia will help Malaysia promote its interest to the partnership with the association

TOKYO, July 28. /TASS/.Malaysia has sent an application for BRICS membership to Russia, which is currently holding BRICS presidency, Malaysian Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim said.

"Malaysia has sent a letter of application to join the (BRICS) organization to Russia as the BRICS chairman, besides expressing openness to participate as a member country or strategic partner,"the BERNAMA news agency quoted him as saying.

Earlier on Sunday, Anwar Ibrahim met with visiting Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov.According to the Malaysian prime minister, the conversation focused on Malaysia’s application to join BRICS, which, in his words, will have a considerable potential for both sides.

Anwar and Lavrov also discussed"the current situation in Palestine, with Malaysia emphasizing the urgent need for a permanent ceasefire and rapid humanitarian aid in Gaza, as well as Palestine’s acceptance as a full member of the United Nations," the agency said. "Regarding Ukraine, Anwar also called for dialogue and discussion as the means to resolve the conflict."

Lavrov promised that as the BRICS president Russia will help Malaysia promote its interest to the partnership with the association.

@ Newshounds News™

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Economics, Simon Black DINARRECAPS8 Economics, Simon Black DINARRECAPS8

A Former Fed Official Finally Tells The Truth About Inflation…

Notes From The Field By James Hickman / Simon Black 7-29-24

My sister used to be a reporter for Fox News based in south Florida and would regularly be assigned to cover NASA press conferences.

And she’s often told me about how reporters were terrified to ask any real questions. They’re not astrophysicists and don’t understand the first thing about rocket propulsion, and most of the journalists never bothered to learn even the basics of the topic.

So, the majority of the questions were very superficial; quite simply the reporters didn’t want to embarrass themselves.

This is how the media covers the Federal Reserve. Most reporters don’t have a clue about central banking, so, not wanting to look stupid, they just sit quietly and give the Fed a pass. There’s no real scrutiny.

A Former Fed Official Finally Tells The Truth About Inflation…

Notes From The Field By James Hickman / Simon Black 7-29-24

My sister used to be a reporter for Fox News based in south Florida and would regularly be assigned to cover NASA press conferences.

And she’s often told me about how reporters were terrified to ask any real questions. They’re not astrophysicists and don’t understand the first thing about rocket propulsion, and most of the journalists never bothered to learn even the basics of the topic.

So, the majority of the questions were very superficial; quite simply the reporters didn’t want to embarrass themselves.

This is how the media covers the Federal Reserve. Most reporters don’t have a clue about central banking, so, not wanting to look stupid, they just sit quietly and give the Fed a pass. There’s no real scrutiny.

At the same time, Fed officials are generally in lockstep with one another; it’s not like politics where the two sides constantly chastise one another. With the Fed, there is virtually no public dissent.

Even former Fed officials who have long left the bank maintain an almost mafioso code of silence.

The end result is that no one really criticizes the Fed. And because of this, the Fed has been able to cultivate a reputation that they’re in total control of the situation… even though their track record proves the opposite.

The Fed completely failed to predict inflation in 2020 after engaging in record money printing. Then they missed the warning signs in early 2021, then misdiagnosed inflation as “transitory” in late 2021, then still failed to act until early 2022.

Yet despite such failures, the Fed is still sticking to the narrative that they know what they’re doing. And with hardly anyone challenging them, it’s been easy to maintain a veneer of omnipotence.

But Kevin Warsh broke ranks this weekend. As a former Fed governor, he is the ultimate insider… and he penned an editorial published in the Wall Street Journal on Saturday blasting many of the Fed’s decisions.

Warsh describes how, when he joined the central bank in 2006, its entire balance sheet was just $800 billion. But in order to deal with the 2008 financial shock (yet another crisis that the Fed missed), they invented “quantitative easing”, or QE.

QE was just a fancy way to say they were conjuring massive amounts of money out of thin air. Informally we could say they were ‘printing money’, though almost all of the new money was created in digital rather than paper form. They click a few buttons, and, poof, new money.

Naturally the Fed promised to eventually unwind QE and drain all of that new money out of the financial system. But they never did.

On the contrary, the Fed embarked on THREE distinct rounds of QE between 2008 and 2013, increasing the balance sheet each time. In the end, the Fed’s balance sheet peaked at $4.5 TRILLION, more than 5x its size prior to the 2008 crisis.

And they kept it at that level for years. Even by 2020, the Fed balance sheet was still around $4 trillion in size.

So much for unwinding. And when the pandemic hit, the Fed quickly pulled out its QE playbook and embarked on a fourth round of money printing… exploding the balance sheet all the way to NINE TRILLION dollars.

Warsh eviscerates the Fed policymakers for failing to see such obvious consequences and explains that there is a very clear connection between the size of the Fed’s balance sheet, i.e. the amount of money it prints, and inflation.

“The monetary base is up 60% since the pandemic. Another measure of money, M2, is up 36% in the past four years. The inflation surge in the same period-- cumulatively about 22%-- shouldn’t have been a surprise.”

“The high priests of central bank dogma might consider it blasphemy,” he writes, but “less money printing, less inflation.” Duh.

He goes on to say, “The American people are still paying a high price for the central bank’s policy error,” and that if the Fed really wants to tame inflation, they’re going to have to slash their balance sheet, i.e. unwind most of the new money that they printed.

Fat chance.

In fact, Warsh points out that the Fed has already indicated they will NOT reduce the size of their balance sheet any longer. And Peter and I both believe the Fed will soon embark on even more QE.

Why? Because the federal government has a serious spending problem. Even the government’s own budget forecasts show an additional $22 trillion in deficit spending over the next decade.

And where will the bulk of that money come from? Most likely from the Fed. They’ll launch QE5, QE6, and beyond, to print the trillions and trillions of dollars that the US government will need to make ends meet in the coming decade.

Sure, it’s possible that the government gets real… that they cut spending, eliminate some entitlements, slash regulations, abandon idiotic green initiatives, and stop standing in the way of conventional energy.

But the window of opportunity is extremely narrow… and depends on the election this year. Plus, a lot of things will have to go right, and very little can go wrong.

So, it’s reasonable to anticipate more deficit spending, which means more Fed printing. And more inflation.

To your freedom, James Hickman Co-Founder, Schiff Sovereign LLC


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Awake-In-3D, Economics Dinar Recaps 20 Awake-In-3D, Economics Dinar Recaps 20

How FED’s New Bully Tactics Are Blocking Iraq from Joining BRICS

On July 28, 2024 By Awake-In-3D

Big Banksters increase their stranglehold on Iraq to block participation in the new gold-backed UNIT currency system.

The Banksters at the U.S. Federal Reserve have intensified their bullying tactics against Iraq.

In This Article

How FED’s New Bully Tactics Are Blocking Iraq from Joining BRICS

On July 28, 2024 By Awake-In-3D

Big Banksters increase their stranglehold on Iraq to block participation in the new gold-backed UNIT currency system.

The Banksters at the U.S. Federal Reserve have intensified their bullying tactics against Iraq.

In This Article

Dinar Recaps Blog Page — Dinar Recaps (3)

  1. The U.S. Federal Reserve’s New Approach

  2. Potential Impact on the Iraqi Banking System

  3. The Federal Reserve’s Three Pillars of Strategy

  4. Consequences for the Iraqi Government and Economy

This escalation seems driven by a clear motive:the FED will not stand idly by and allow Iraq to join the BRICS alliance or participate in the new gold-backed UNIT currency system.

This aggressive stance threatens Iraq’s financial stability and sovereignty, pushing the country towards an economic crisis.

The Iraqi government now faces a pivotal moment. It must rise to the challenge and stand up to the FED’s coercive measures to protect its economy and pursue its independent financial path.

The U.S. Federal Reserve has adopted a new, stricter policy toward Iraq, potentially creating an increase the dollar’s value against the dinar.

Economic researcher Ziad Al-Hashimi warns this shift will place significant pressure on Iraq’s banking system and economy.

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Iraq officially expressed interest in joining BRICS in November 2023. The Iraqi Prime Minister, Mohammed Shia Al-Sudani, during a meeting with representatives of the Iraqi community in Russia. Photo: PMO

The U.S. Federal Reserve’s New Approach

Al-Hashimi reveals that the U.S. Federal Reserve’s latest strategy aims to curb any attempts by Iraq to stabilize its economy without adhering to Federal regulations.

The move is seen as a response to Iraq’s potential alignment with the BRICS alliance and participation in the new gold-backed UNIT currency system.

The Banksters at the US Federal Reserve have escalated their tactics, not wanting Iraq to break free from their influence.

Potential Impact on the Iraqi Banking System

The new strategy involves continued sanctions on certain Iraqi banks, ensuring these institutions remain banned from dollar transactions.

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The Iraqi Stock Exchange Building

This action threatens the stability of Iraq’s banking system, limiting its ability to function efficiently and putting additional strain on the national economy. The FED’s bullying tactics aim to prevent Iraq from gaining financial independence and participating in the BRICS alliance.

The Federal Reserve’s Three Pillars of Strategy

The Federal Reserve’s strategy consists of three main pillars:

  • Continuation of Sanctions: Previous sanctions on specific banks will remain, indefinitely banning them from dollar trading.

  • Closure of Non-compliant Banks: Banks violating federal regulations regarding money laundering and dollar smuggling will face closure.

  • Exclusion of Government Intervention: The Iraqi government will be prevented from intervening in dollar-related matters, leaving this responsibility solely to the Central Bank of Iraq.

This strategy aims to tighten control over Iraq’s financial dealings and mitigate political influences from the Iraqi government.

The FED’s actions are a clear attempt to ensure Iraq does not join the BRICS alliance or adopt the gold-backed UNIT currency system.

Consequences for the Iraqi Government and Economy

The Federal Reserve’s new approach places the Central Bank of Iraq in a precarious position, as it struggles to balance internal pressures with the need to comply with U.S. regulations.

This situation will lead to increased demand for the dollar, causing a devaluation of the Iraqi dinar.

The Iraqi government faces a critical decision: to comply with the Federal Reserve’s stringent measures or to challenge these tactics and seek alternative alliances, such as joining the BRICS and adopting the gold-backed UNIT currency system.

It’s time for the Iraqi government to stand up to the FEDand assert its financial independence.

The Bottom Line

The U.S. Federal Reserve’s intensified approach toward Iraq threatens to destabilize the country’s economy.

With significant implications for the Iraqi dinar and the banking system, the Iraqi government must navigate these challenges carefully. Whether to stand up to the Federal Reserve or find a way to comply will shape Iraq’s economic future.

The Banksters at the US Federal Reserve will not easily allow Iraq to join the BRICS alliance, but the Iraqi government must take a stand for its sovereignty and economic well-being.

Contributing Source:https://burathanews.com/arabic/economic/448951

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Chats and Rumors, MarkZ Dinar Recaps 20 Chats and Rumors, MarkZ Dinar Recaps 20

Thank you MarkZ for all your time, and encouragement daily….. PDK

MarkZ Update- Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context. Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions


Member: Hope everyone had a great weekend….. what is the hold up with the RV???

Member: Did anybody ever think this would take this long

Thank you MarkZ for all your time, and encouragement daily….. PDK

MarkZ Update- Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context. Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions


Member: Hope everyone had a great weekend….. what is the hold up with the RV???

Member: Did anybody ever think this would take this long

Member: Is it still possible to see the RV in July?

MZ: It is still very possible. And that is an impressive comment as there is only 2 days left in July. Remember though that we do not know the timing…..but is it possible? Very.

MZ: Its Monday Morning…The bond market is still quiet. I never expect any news on that front until mid- afternoon on Mondays.

MZ: I have heard nothing negative out of Iraq this weekend. There is discussion about the immediate approval of the HCL We were always told that within hours of possibly days of the HCL being passed we would see that rate change.

Member: “The Parliamentary Oil and Gas committee expressed today, Sunday it’s optimism about the imminent approval of the Oil and Gas Law which has been suppressed for 19 years.”

MZ: Isn’t that a lovely article!

MZ: We know Iraq is moving forward and have made their bank reformations. Then Mountain has an article that was pure gold.

MZ: https://dinardetectives.com/mnt-goat-381/

MZ: “ECONOMIST: THE IRAQI BANKING SECTOR HAS ACHIEVED SIGNIFICANT GROWTH.” He/she dives into some really cool background on the project to delete the 3 zeros. They explain like I have tried to. Well done Mountain Goat!!!!! They did a brilliant job. This is your required reading for the day.

MZ: This was a positive weekend for us on the Iraqi dinar front.

Member: What is the HCL?

MZ: The hydro carbon law. This is where the Kurdish region of Iraq shares oil profits, government revenues ect …how they handle payments and who gets what. It’s been a huge stickler for 19 years in Iraq.

Member: US Treasury told Iraq if they didn’t RV their currency per agreements “immediately” the UST would force the issue. Iraq said some banks are doing business with Iran. UST seized those banks into a manageable entity. Iraq is now to release the RV according to the UST.

MZ: I don’t know who posted that information, but it’s not far off.

Member: I think Mountain goat said that one?

Member: Mike Bara posted that as well!

​​Member: it's all over the place -Thursday blackout

Member: new president for Venezuela..so happy for them. great timing !!

Member: Wolverine said he has to go away for a couple months so could be good news

Member: I heard He is a bondholder, going overseas to get paid, and will be on nda. Hope it’s true.

Member: I ran into a guy that lives in Washington DC at the lake this weekend and he said Washington DC is absolutely a ghost town he said it's unbelievable

MZ: “Inflation news From China tells a sorry tale.” What we are seeing in china right now is what we will soon see in the US. They have broken the consumers. This is the deflationary stage. It will be far worse in the US than it is in china. The working class cannot afford anything and just stop spending. This is a death spiral and economic collapse. It’s a cycle and you are watching it.

Member: Keeps seeing posts on telegram about fed now pushing on Iraq to not join BRICS? Would love your input..

Member: Mark Do you think Iraq was really told by us Treasury not to hold RV because of Iran ?

Member: Iraq is likely to take a huge role in the new setup of our 'alliance'. Maybe that is the reason for the delays. Could be so great for Iraq. Iraq; finally able to 'shine' and show it's 'mettle'.

Member: So are we waiting for the unsustainable fiat system to finally crash?

Member: Mark are you still hearing 3.86 as the rate?


Member: Boy was Reno absolutely hopping this past weekend!

Member: Come on white hats pull this plug!!!

Member: I’ve said our whole world is going to change. A better world where we are sovereign, and don’t need a big government to control us!

Member: Thanks Mark, Mods and all for everything you do!!! God Bless All!!!

Stacie Z joins the stream today. Please listen to the replay for her information and opinions.


FOLLOW MARKZ : TWITTER . https://twitter.com/originalmarkz?s=21. TRUTH SOCIAL . https://truthsocial.com/@theoriginalm...

Mod: MarkZ "Back To Basics" Pre-Recorded Call" for Newbies 10-19-2022 ) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=37oILmAlptM

MARKZ DAILY LINKS: https://theoriginalmarkz.com/home/

Note from PDK: Please listen to the replay for all the details and entire stream….I do not transcribe political opinions, medical opinions or many guests on this stream……just RV/currency related topics.

ZESTER'S LINK TREE: https://linktr.ee/CrazyCryptonaut


Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/theoriginalmarkz

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QtYvEtHk48Y

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Economics, News Dinar Recaps 20 Economics, News Dinar Recaps 20


Tishwash: Manipulating budget tables is a scandal waiting to break out

The issue of tampering with the budget schedules sparked great controversy in the House of Representatives, after approximately 2 trillion dinars from the budget were lost in a dramatic manner.

The General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers sent a letter to the House of Representatives to inquire about the manipulation occurring in the budget tables, as it was stated in the letter, “After examining the printed tables attached to the Parliament letter signed by the ( acting) Speaker of the House of Representatives, it was revealed that there are fundamental differences in them compared to the sent copy.” From the Council of Ministers and contrary to the text of the parliamentary decision.


Tishwash: Manipulating budget tables is a scandal waiting to break out

The issue of tampering with the budget schedules sparked great controversy in the House of Representatives, after approximately 2 trillion dinars from the budget were lost in a dramatic manner.

The General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers sent a letter to the House of Representatives to inquire about the manipulation occurring in the budget tables, as it was stated in the letter, “After examining the printed tables attached to the Parliament letter signed by the ( acting) Speaker of the House of Representatives, it was revealed that there are fundamental differences in them compared to the sent copy.” From the Council of Ministers and contrary to the text of the parliamentary decision.

Member of the Parliamentary Finance Committee, Representative Jamal Kujar, confirmed that the manipulation occurred after voting on the budget tables in Parliament.

He pointed out in a press statement that it was not known who was the party that tampered with the schedules, calling for an investigation to be opened into the matter.

The House of Representatives held its twenty-seventh session, headed by Mr. Mohsen Al-Mandalawi, Acting Speaker of the House, today, Monday, and in the presence of 199 deputies. The House of Representatives voted last May 18 on the schedules of the federal general budget law.

It seems that suspicions of losing the amount revolve around the Finance Committee as well as the Presidency of the House of Representatives.

For its part, the Finance Committee in the House of Representatives vacated its space regarding the issue of tampering with the budget tables for the current year.

Deputy Chairman of the Parliamentary Finance Committee, Ahmed Mazhar, told Al-Ma'louma Agency, “The committee is far removed from the issue raised regarding tampering with the budget tables. It discussed the tables according to the CD sent by the government and then submitted it for a vote to the Presidency of the House of Representatives.”

He added, "The government's raising of the issue of tampering with 2 trillion dinars in the budget tables, as it claims, is very surprising."

He explained, “If there is tampering with the budget tables, then the Presidency of the House of Representatives can be questioned.”

In order to clear its name, Parliamentary Finance formed an investigative committee on the matter, which aroused the ire of the Presidency of the Iraqi Council of Representatives.

For his part, a member of the Parliamentary Finance Committee, Moeen Al-Kadhimi, expressed his surprise at the Parliament Presidency's objection to forming an investigative committee regarding the changes that occurred in the budget.

Al-Kadhimi told Al-Maalouma Agency, “Forming an investigative committee is the prerogative of the Finance Committee, expressing his regret over the objection of the Presidency of Parliament to the formation of the committee that does not require approval.”

He added, "The Finance Committee is in the process of inquiring about the reason for the difference in the budget tables between the parliamentary version and the government version, noting that the committee asked the relevant authorities to reveal the manipulation of the numbers."

In addition, the representative of the State Support Bloc, Muhammad Al-Ziyadi, confirmed that signatures had been collected to include a paragraph discussing the government's claim that the versions of the budget tables were different after voting on them.

Al-Ziyadi told the Maalouma Agency, “The government sent a letter to the House of Representatives claiming that the schedules that were sent to it by Parliament after the House of Representatives voted on them differ from those schedules that it sent to Parliament.”

He added, "This book created a confused atmosphere between Parliament and the government, and parliamentary signatures were collected to include a paragraph to discuss the issue in order to determine the truth of the dispute between Parliament and the government regarding the schedules and who was the party behind it. link


Tishwash: Iraq speeds up steps to join WTO

The Ministry of Trade has doubled its efforts to join Iraq to the World Trade Organization (WTO) after participating in a wide round of negotiations that pave the way for full membership. These efforts were met with widespread economic welcome, which sees that this approach will achieve a package of important achievements, foremost of which is enhancing development, building capacities, and opening the door wide to the use of the highest standards of governance, in addition to the most important factor represented by the wide openness of global markets to Iraq, the advancement of the private industrial sector, and the improvement of the local product.

According to the Minister of Trade, Athir Dawood Al-Ghariri, the recent negotiations for Iraq constitute “a qualitative event and a confirmation of what the government promised through its program to reform the economic situation, considering the private sector as an essential part and the backbone of the Iraqi economy,” indicating that “all countries are keen on Iraq’s return as a global economic player.”

In support of the recent negotiations conducted by Iraq, the Ministry of Trade also participated in the technical meetings of the UNCTAD regarding the accession of Arab countries to the World Trade Organization in Istanbul, which witnessed, according to the Director General of the Department of Foreign Economic Relations, Riyadh Fakher Al-Hashemi, who represented the Ministry of Trade in these meetings, discussing the outcomes of the 13th Ministerial Conference of the World Trade Organization, the process of Arab countries’ accession to the organization, and how Iraq can benefit from these experiences in its process of accession. The importance of trade in services in supporting the economies of Arab countries and enhancing their growth was also reviewed.

In the midst of this, the Prime Minister’s Advisor for Financial Affairs, Dr. Mazhar Mohammed Salih, believes that “in the midst of the changes in the international commercial and financial space, Iraq has moved to important organizational levels in the transition to a market economy to break the effects of its international isolation by engaging in a strong area of ​​economic liberalism that focused on liberalizing the areas of Iraq’s foreign trade in goods and services and the means of financing them, despite the fluctuations in its organization, as well as the development and expansion of areas of progress achieved in some financial services and improving the environment for foreign investment, which allows foreign banks to operate in Iraq and allows the transfer of capital and currency in a manner that serves Iraq’s openness to the world in the conditions of a difficult-to-handle central rentier economy.”

In a statement to the Iraqi News Agency (INA), Minister Al-Ghariri expressed his “aspiration for the fourth round of negotiations to be held during the first quarter of next year,” stressing that “this acceleration means that the negotiations are proceeding with rapid steps towards Iraq’s accession to the World Trade Organization, considering that Iraq is an important economic bloc and all countries are keen for it to return as an economic player in a multilateral system.”

In addition to the economic gains that can be achieved by opening up to the global market, the economic researcher and consulting engineer, Imad Al-Muhammadawi, believes during his interview with “Al-Sabah” that “joining has many other advantages besides opening up to global markets, represented in “enhancing development, building capacities, and opening the door wide to using governance standards in all aspects of economic activities, in addition to the most important factor, which is opening global markets to the economies of the least developed countries or what are called Third World countries, not to mention improving the financial side of the participating countries in terms of reducing financial risks and removing obstacles facing the participating countries.”

Al-Muhammadi added that joining also constitutes a factor in reducing poverty, by creating opportunities for the unemployed through increasing economic activities and developing both the private and public sectors.

The WTO aims to ensure that foreign companies, investors and governments enjoy stability and predictability, confidence that trade barriers should not be arbitrarily raised, investment is encouraged, jobs are created and consumers can fully enjoy the benefits of competition, choice and low prices.link

Tishwash: MP: Washington is delaying the confirmation of the withdrawal clause from Iraq - Urgent

Member of Parliament, MP Rafiq Al-Salihi, confirmed today, Sunday (July 28, 2024), that Washington is procrastinating in determining the paragraph of withdrawal from Iraq, noting that the exit of US forces is necessary to achieve the integrity of national security.

Al-Salihi said in an interview with Baghdad Today, "An important part of achieving integration in the national security system of Iraq is the absence of American forces from its lands, which we see as playing a negative role in the security scene through repeated attacks."

He added, "Washington is delaying its discussions with Baghdad in determining the withdrawal paragraph through fixed timetables, and this matter reflects America's agenda in Iraq and its attempt to remain despite the popular rejection of all spectrums and the existence of a parliamentary decision in this direction."

Al-Salihi pointed out that "the security situation in Iraq is stable and it has large forces capable of warding off terrorist threats or any other attacks," stressing that "the situation necessitates the withdrawal of American forces from the country and any manipulation or procrastination by the administration in Washington is unacceptable and the Iraqis will not remain silent about that."

The debate over the US withdrawal from Iraq has flared up again in the past few weeks, coinciding with the return of strikes and targeting of bases housing US forces in Iraq and Syria, while the US Central Command had indicated a few days ago that ISIS activity recorded during the first half of this year indicates a doubling of the number of attacks compared to last year. link


Tishwash: Finance and World Bank meet to conclude "fruitful" agreements that support Iraq's development path

An important meeting was held at the Ministry of Finance headquarters today, Monday, between the Minister of Finance, Taif Sami Mohammed, and a delegation from the World Bank, headed by the Regional Director of the Middle East Department, Jean-Christophe Carré, to discuss ways to enhance cooperation in the field of economic and social development.

The ministry said in a statement received by "Mil", "The meeting's axes focused in particular on supporting transportation, railway and infrastructure projects related to the development road linking Iraq and Turkey towards the European continent, in addition to financing the Social Fund for Development programs."

She explained that "these projects seek to improve the quality of services for citizens, enhance economic growth, and provide new job opportunities. The expected benefits of these projects include developing the road and transportation network, in addition to supporting small and medium enterprises and reducing poverty and unemployment."

According to the statement, the two sides expressed their "optimism about the possibility of reaching fruitful cooperation agreements that would contribute to achieving sustainable development in Iraq."

From social media

Minister of Finance and World Bank discuss financing transportation and social development projects

Both sides expressed optimism about the possibility of reaching fruitful cooperation agreements that would contribute to achieving sustainable development in Iraq link

Mot: .. You Goooo Girl!!!!

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Mot: Funny how this seems to Pop again and again ....

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Billions Of Dinars” Were Disbursed To Political Parties From The 2024 Budget As “Financial Grants” (documents)

Policy 2024-07-27 | 4,756 views Alsumaria News-Politics Today, Saturday, independent MP Amir Al-Mamouri published documents proving that the Ministry of Finance disbursed billions of dinars as “financial grants” from the budget to political parties represented in the House of Representatives or participating in the elections.

Al-Mamouri said in a blog post on his Facebook account, followed by Al-Sumaria News, that,

“Did you know that financial grants are disbursed to political parties from the budget, as 18 billion dinars were disbursed, and disbursem*nt continues in the 2024 budget with 5 billion dinars?”

Billions Of Dinars” Were Disbursed To Political Parties From The 2024 Budget As “Financial Grants” (documents)

Policy 2024-07-27 | 4,756 views Alsumaria News-Politics Today, Saturday, independent MP Amir Al-Mamouri published documents proving that the Ministry of Finance disbursed billions of dinars as “financial grants” from the budget to political parties represented in the House of Representatives or participating in the elections.

Al-Mamouri said in a blog post on his Facebook account, followed by Al-Sumaria News, that,

“Did you know that financial grants are disbursed to political parties from the budget, as 18 billion dinars were disbursed, and disbursem*nt continues in the 2024 budget with 5 billion dinars?”

He added: "Some may be surprised by this book, which shows that there is funding for parties from the federal budget at a rate of 80% for those who have representation in the House of Representatives and 20% for parties participating in the elections."

He stressed, "We are working to abolish this issue, which contains many comments and unjustified spending," considering that

"this spending is imposed on the deprived people, not the party, and a distinction must be made between these parties, those who work, those who do not work, and those who steal public money and trespass on state property," wondering.

“Who evaluates these parties so that we can say they deserve the financial grant?”

Documents issued by the Ministry of Finance showed that there is funding of 4 billion dinars in the 2018 and 2019 budgets, while there is funding of 5 billion dinars for parties in the 2023 budget and the same in the current 2024 budget, making the total amount to 18 billion dinars.




Financial Inclusion Indicators

July 28, 2024 :diamonds: In order for this bank to create a database for financial inclusion indicators, which will be the basic foundation for measuring the percentage of financial inclusion in Iraq,

we are attaching to all electronic payment service providers a database for financial inclusion statistics for individuals and companies in an electronic form (Excel file) sent to your institutions’ e-mail. ..For more click here https://cbi.iq/static/uploads/up/file-172216018373657.pdf

[approximate, incomplete translation of https://cbi.iq/static/uploads/up/file-172216018373657.pdf]

the date: 7/14/2024

To/ All electronic payment service providers

M/ Financial inclusion indicators

In order for this bank to prepare a database for financial inclusion indicators,

which will be the basic foundation for measuring the percentage of financial inclusion in Iraq,

we attach to you a database dedicated to financial inclusion statistics for individuals and companies in electronic form (Excel file) to be sent to your institutions’ email, provided that it is provided to us in the form of three models. The first model is a cumulative

For previous years in addition to the first and second semesters, i.e. until the end of (2/30/2024), and the second model will be for the data of the first semester only, and the third models will be for the data of the second semester only, provided that we increase the Aggregate data and for the first and second semesters of this year, each separately, and for a maximum period of (51. Working days from the date of issuance of this circular.

We would also like to inform you that a training workshop will be held in the hall of the Central Bank of Iraq on (Thursday) corresponding to (7/18/2024) at (10) in the morning for a period of one day only for the purpose of training on how to enter data and receive questions from you.

We hope to provide two representatives specialized in financial inclusion indicators from your institutions to attend the workshop.

with respect.

- Electronic data form (Excel) https://cbi.iq/news/view/2629

Mahmoud Dagher: Iraq Needs A Sovereign Wealth Fund To Protect Its Economic Future

July 28, 2024 Last updated: July 28, 2024 Independent/-Veteran financial and banking expert Dr. Mahmoud Dagher confirmed that Iraq , despite being a rentier economy, does not yet possess a sovereign wealth fund that would enable it to enhance its economic growth and ensure its stability in the face of potential crises.

Dagher pointed out in a short video clip followed by Al-Mustaqla on Sunday that most countries that depend on depletable rentier resources and are exposed to price fluctuations have taken proactive steps by establishing sovereign wealth funds whose combined balances exceed more than ten trillion US dollars. Dagher:

Iraqiswastingitsresources withoutasovereign wealth fund- thefuture of our generations is in dangerDagher said:

“All countries with anexhaustible rentier resource, andwhich are witnessing fluctuations in the prices of these resources, havebegun to establishsovereign fundstoprotecttheireconomyandenhance theirgrowth, away from the general budget and government policy.

Thesefundsplay avital rolein achievingeconomic stabilityandhedgingcountries against global and localfinancial crises.” Dagher added that the

absenceof asovereign wealth fundin Iraq is a majorshortcomingin the country'seconomic policy, especiallyin light of theheavy relianceonoilas amain source of revenue. He explained that

establishing such a fund would enable Iraq to secure the future of its generations and avoid economic shocks that may result from falling oil prices or global economic crises.

Dagher called on the executive and legislative authority in Iraq to accelerate the establishment of a sovereign wealth fund. must He said:

“Iraq [must] follow the example of other countries that have establishedsovereign funds to fortify its economy and ensure its future.

Establishing asovereign fundwill be an importantstrategic steptoprotectthe Iraqieconomyand secure the future of future generations.” Dagher pointed out that

sovereign fundsplay an important role in supportingsustainable economic policies, as

they provide thenecessary resourcesforlong-term investmentsaway from fluctuations in annual government revenues. He stressed that

benefiting frominternational experiences in this field could contribute significantly todesigningasovereign wealth fundthatmeets Iraq'sspecialneedsandenhancesitseconomic stability. https://mustaqila.com/صندوق-ثروة-سيادي/

Iraqi Investments Push The “Med Projects” Index To Rise

July 28, 2024 Last updated: July 28, 2024 Independent/-The “Med Projectsindexfor Gulf projectswitnessed an increase of 0.7% during the period fromJune 7 to July 12, driven mainly by an increase in the value of projects in the Iraqi market.

The Iraqi market achieved significant gains amounting to $26.3 billion, equivalent to an increase of 7%.

This rise is due to the reactivation of plans to establish a national network of high-speed railway lines throughout the country,

reflecting the trend towards improving infrastructure and transportation in Iraq.

In addition to Iraq, project markets in other Gulf countries witnessed remarkable growth, as the

value of the project market in the UAE increased by about $10.6 billion, or by 1.3%.

Despite this growth, the project market in Saudi Arabia witnessed a contraction of $13.9 billion, which is equivalent to a decrease of 0.7%, returning to the value level it was in mid-May.

In Qatar, the value of the projects market increased by $3.9 billion, or 1.7%, while the projects market in Bahrain added $2 billion, or 2.9%. In Oman, the market witnessed a slight increase of $0.2 billion, equivalent to 0.1%.

The total value of the Gulf projects index

The value of the projects index in theGulf Cooperation Councilcountries reached $3.447 trillion, recording an increase of 0.1% over the previous period.

The broaderGulf index, which includes Iraq and Iran, also rose by 0.7% to reach $4.138 trillion.

Thus, theindex continues to rise for the sixteenth consecutive month since March 2023, reflecting the continuing upward trend in the regional projects market.

Impact of railway projects

A key factor in the index's recovery is renewed ambitions forrail projectsin the region.

These projectsare not only a way to improve infrastructure and facilitate transportation, but

theyalso promote economic development and provide new job opportunities.


For current and reliable Iraqi news please visit:https://www.bondladyscorner.com/

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