41 Bedroom Office Ideas (With Real Photos) | Buildremote (2024)

41 Bedroom Office Ideas (With Real Photos) | Buildremote (1)

You work from home, which you’re loving, except for one issue – your bedroom has turned into your home office.It’s time to get creative to make your bedroom/office a good place to sleep and work, depending on the time day.

🛑 The internet (I’m looking at you, Pinterest) is full of photos of home offices with perfect lighting, amazing furniture, and plenty of space.

🟢 But you and I know that’s not what our home offices look like. This article has bedroom/office ideas from real people with their real photos – no stock images.

These are attainable ideas you can implement today. I asked my list of Buildremote contributors for their home office/bedroom ideas and tips and got hundreds of responses. Here are the 41 best ideas below.

Bedroom Office Ideas: The Advice

Use your desk for work only

As someone who is always working on projects both in and out of work, I would use my desk sometimes in the evenings. I quickly realized I needed a mental break, and that it was better to only use my desk during work hours. By not sitting at my desk outside of work hours, my brain switched into “work mode” much more easily.

Take a look at my bedroom home office:

41 Bedroom Office Ideas (With Real Photos) | Buildremote (2)

– Sara Bodner of Conklin Media

See Also:How To Set Up A Home Office In A Bedroom | Best Desks Under $100

Create strong physical and energetic boundaries

Strong boundaries around when and how I work help me separate work from the bedroom. At the end of the day, I shut all screens down and retreat downstairs to create that separation.

Take a look at my bedroom home office:

41 Bedroom Office Ideas (With Real Photos) | Buildremote (3)

– Jacqueline Fisch of Write Like A MOFO

Never work on your bed

I was always tempted to take my laptop and lay on my bed while working, but whenever I did that, I ended up having a harder time sleeping at night. I needed to create a strong separation between work and sleep, so I had to discipline myself to stay at my desk while working.

– Kristen Bolig of SecurityNerd

Close the door

Close the door of the room you are working in. Even if you are home alone, that closed door creates a physical and mental barrier that will make it just a little harder for you to wander around your house at will, losing time in front of the laundry machine or the TV.

Take a look at my bedroom home office:

41 Bedroom Office Ideas (With Real Photos) | Buildremote (4)

– Irina Cozma of Irina Cozma Consulting LLC

See Also: How To Lay Out A Small Bedroom With A Desk

Make a clear division between work and rest

When I worked from my bedroom, making a very clear divide between my “new office space” and the rest of the bedroom, both physically and mentally, really helped. I curtained off a corner of my bedroom. If you can’t do that, you can corner it off a section of your bedroom with your desk facing outwards. This is now your office space, so don’t enter it while you’re “at home” and don’t use the rest of your bedroom while you are in your “office.”

– Kelly Chan of Accountant Online

Start things right

A clean environment will increase your productivity wherever you may be working. Take time to make your bed before you start your day. Doing this simple task will help you enjoy your time at your workstation. Starting it right will let you start fresh and at your best.

– Edward Jones of Home Care How

Block your desk when you aren’t using it

If you have the space, put up a foldable room divider around your desk to hide it when you are not working. Keeping your office out of sight when not in use signals to your brain that you are off work and helps keep you from hopping on your computer “really quick” to check something.

Take a look at my bedroom home office in my RV:

41 Bedroom Office Ideas (With Real Photos) | Buildremote (5)

– Melanie Hartmann of Dreams Built In

Dedicate a corner

The bedroom is associated with sleep and rest, so you might feel sleepy when you work. But when you dedicate a corner for your desk, it helps you set the boundary and mood so that you can be more productive. Face your table away from your bed, and more importantly, don’t work on your bed.

– Jeff Zhou of Fig Loans

Divide your room

My number one tip for people working from their bedroom is to clearly divide their room into zones. A clear distinction between your work and rest areas is the key to being productive. If you have a spacious room, use room dividers such as curtains or furniture.

– Rich Rudzinski of Drivey.com

Repurpose your closet

It is possible to use your bedroom’s closet as office space if you can relocate your clothing. A tiny desk that fits partly inside a shallow closet may be an option if your closet is too small or too shallow to accommodate a larger workstation. This enables you to have a separate place in your room where you may sleep and work, allowing for both physical and mental isolation.

– Lyle Florez of Easypeoplesearch

Increase the lighting

Increasing the lighting in your bedroom when you work from this area is much needed, as a dark room is tough to work from and can decrease production. It is a good idea to increase lighting by having lighter curtains over the windows to let more natural light in, and also invest in floor and desk lamps. Lots of lighting will help you stay awake and be more focused when working from a bedroom.

– Adam Moore of Social Plus

Ensure you have good air circulation

Staying put in the same place for long hours can make you feel confined subconsciously. Allow for an ample amount of light and fresh air. Breathing in the breeze that comes into my bedroom refreshes me for the day.

– Rajeev Kumar of DocuCollab

Keep your bedroom office quiet

We purposefully chose a corner of our bedroom for a home office because the room itself is the quietest one in the entire house. We both work from home and do virtual meetings, so it really worked out well.

– David Reed of LLC Stars

Invest in office storage and equipment

Make sure you’ve got extra storage. Depending on what type of work you do, you’ll need different kinds of paper, stationery, and other stuff. Scanning important documents onto your computer and throwing away or storing the originals can aid in maintaining order.

– Isabella of Sleepy’s Express

See Also:Desk Organization Ideas: The One-Stop Guide

Set up dual monitors

Using two monitors is a great way to maximize your productivity. You can carry out work on your primary monitor, and leave background software like Slack, Spotify, and Zoom on your secondary monitor. This helps you perform deep work without having to switch between different windows.

– Dan Barba of Dan Barba

Minimize screen glare

Glare happens when light reflects off a surface, and the result is very distracting. Avoid this problem by keeping your computer away from natural light sources and using artificial lighting such as recessed or indirect lights. Try not to have illumination sources pointed directly at your screen.

– Mitchell Elworthy of The Lighting Outlet

Showcase a painting behind your desk

I have video meetings on a weekly basis, so I have my desk set up against a blue wall with an eye-catching painting. Having this as my backdrop on Zoom calls is professional and a conversation starter.

– Melanie Bedwell of OLIPOP

Clean up your surfaces

Floors are included in this! Organize miscellaneous papers and supplies in desk drawers. You do not want to wake up to a cluttered mess of paperwork before you go to bed or before you begin your day.

Take a look at my bedroom home office:

41 Bedroom Office Ideas (With Real Photos) | Buildremote (6)

– Max Shak of Survival Gear Shack

Organize your cords

You can always count on cords, cords, and more cords at your home office. Make an investment in a cord management system. This might be as basic as a twist tie or something a little more sophisticated, but whatever you choose, make sure you use it. Also, consider where the outlets are while setting up shop.

– Abe Breuer of VipToGo

Protect your back

Get a second monitor and a raiser for the laptop to be at eye level. It prevents crouching over a laptop and getting back pain. It also helps simulate the office environment, making me more productive.

Take a look at my bedroom home office:

41 Bedroom Office Ideas (With Real Photos) | Buildremote (7)

– Shane Drumm of PM-Training

Look into risers and cushions for privacy

Your coworkers and clients don’t need to know that you are working in your bedroom. If your bed is showing up in your zoom background, try raising the camera and your seat by a few inches. You can use a laptop or desktop riser and an ergonomic chair cushion to elevate your privacy.

– Elizabeth Byler of Eden Environments

Make sure you have enough outlets

You’ll need somewhere to plug in your computers and phones. It’s also important to have enough space for your computer monitor and keyboard, as well as for whatever other equipment you use in your home office.

Millie Pham

Position your desk near a window —notyour bed!

I found that a view of the outside helped me separate myself from my bedroom. During a five-minute break, I can look outside and see nature. Watching things like birds flying around helps me calm my mind. If you look up from your desk and see your bed, it can trigger tired feelings or even make you want to jump back under the covers!

Here I am in my bedroom/office:

41 Bedroom Office Ideas (With Real Photos) | Buildremote (8)

– Mike Beatty ofStrong Home Gym

Create a morning pathway

After waking up, get up and leave the room. Take a cup of coffee, take a shower, tidy up the kitchen, and make sure you are fully awake before going back to the bedroom. When you return to your bedroom, act like you entered a whole different room (aka your office).

– Laura Bais ofComputer Zilla

Add cabinets

You can add a built-in cabinetry setup to your bedroom space without overcrowding the area. It’s much easier to organize your office setup into a compartment, so your room won’t look smaller with extra furniture.

– Simmi Jones ofCat Food Point

Create a hiding place for your work equipment

At the end of the day, put your computer and other work materials away — like into a drawer. This helps you separate your bedroom’s function between office and place of rest. In other words, it lets you make a clear transition out of working mode.

– Logan Mallory ofMotivosity

Leave your phone in another room

When I can, I leave my cell phone in another room to help reduce distractions and boost my productivity. When my phone isn’t in my peripherals or within a few steps from me, I’m less tempted to look at it and am more focused on my work. Out of sight, out of mind!

– Christophe Defoy ofAscend Fitness

Ask your room (and furniture) to multitask

Investing in furniture that can serve more than one use is one approach to making the most of the space in your home that you plan to turn into an office. To maximize the amount of free space in your home, consider putting your furniture against the walls or making use of the area around your closet.

– Tia Campbell ofPractice Reasoning Tests

Declutter your workspace

By decluttering your bedroom, you can make room for a bedroom desk and chair. This involves sorting through your stuff to determine what can be discarded or donated, as well as what can be placed in storage bins. Decluttering your leisure area produces additional room, provides many health advantages, and boosts productivity. Indeed, a clean room is essential for greater vitality and less stress.

– Adam Wood ofRevenueGeeks

Invest in a comfortable chair

It’s important to feel comfortable when you work in your home office; otherwise, you might be tempted to pick up the laptop and sit in front of the TV. Setting up an office in the bedroom is a good idea, but I advise investing in a comfortable office chair. You’ll be more likely to stay in “work mode” in your bedroom office and not stray into the living room in search of a more comfortable seat.

Take a look at my bedroom home office:

41 Bedroom Office Ideas (With Real Photos) | Buildremote (9)

– Robin Young of Garden Furniture Sales

Bedroom Office Ideas: The Products

A successful bedroom office may come down to personal willpower and how you arrange your furniture. Even so, the right products can help you set up a space that is conducive to working without infringing on your sleeping habits.

Wall-mounted desk

A wall-mounted desk upgrade is visually appealing and can help you manage your workload. This upgrade doesn’t take up much space, and its varying sizes make it easy to choose the right option for your bedroom. Because it attaches to the wall, all the clutter of cables is a thing of the past.

Search this list of home office desks for more wall-mounted options.

– Kamyar Shah of Kamyar Shah

Standing desk converter

A standing desk converter, or riser, is a cheaper and more convenient choice for those who don’t want to get new desks but want to enjoy the benefits of having one. With it, I am able to improve my posture and stay healthy when working long hours without drastically changing my whole desk setup.

Filter this list for more standing desk converters.

– Perry of Valentine

Mesh desk organizer

A desk organizer keeps your documents and files organized and prevents your bedroom from getting cluttered. It also saves a lot of desk space, and you no longer have to stress about cleaning your room. You can get a mesh desk organizer from Amazon for just $30.

– Sonia Navarro of Navarro Paving

GreenForest 2-tier Folding Desk

This office desk is perfect for small bedrooms, as they don’t take up much space. This is because it is portable, lightweight, and can be easily shuffled around. The extra shelf provides storage space for small things like books or plants.

– Zephyr Chan of Better Tools

Duramont Ergonomic Office Chair

This office chair by Duramont is a must-have for every home office. It is specifically designed to keep ergonomics in mind and focuses on providing top-notch lumbar support. It helps me keep my neck and spine aligned throughout the day and prevents back pain due to long hours of sitting. With proper lumbar support, I can focus on my work without any body aches.

Filter this list of office chairs.

– Cristina Cason of Texas Family Home Buyers

Multipurpose furniture

Working in a small bedroom can be arduous and frustrating. Hence, I purchase multipurpose furniture to make life and work more approachable. Adding a desk as a bedside table helped to make my work easier. I also added a curtain between my workspace and bedside, so there was a feeling of separation between the two individual rooms.

Take a look at my bedroom home office:

41 Bedroom Office Ideas (With Real Photos) | Buildremote (10)

– Anthony Minniti of Texas Land and Home

Zytty Folding Wall Desk

Individuals should compartmentalize their surroundings to ensure that the bedroom space is effectively used as a home office. They can put their laptop devices, chargers, and speakers in container boxes. This helps reduce clutter, which can help them focus on their work.

Take a look at my bedroom home office:

41 Bedroom Office Ideas (With Real Photos) | Buildremote (11)

– David Morgan of Snorkel-Mart

The Murphy Desk Bed by Wilding Wallbeds

When you’re working from your bedroom, it’s quite easy to get distracted by the allure of the bed and be tempted to take a short nap. But you can’t hide your bed. I use this Murphy bed/desk that closes into the wall to reveal an intricate, all woodwork desk. The bed’s gone, and I can finally work at my desk in peace.

Learn more about Murphy bed/desks in our buyer’s guide.

– Megan Ayala of Patricia And Carolyn

Zipcode Design Harris Desk

The Zipcode Design Harris Desk is a sleek computer table manufactured from highly durable laminated sheet and wood. It is the perfect addition to my bedroom because I can comfortably set up my home office and work. This is the ideal table size for a small- to mid-sized room, as it doesn’t overcrowd the space.

Learn more about the Harris desk.

– Alan Duncan of Solar Panels Network

Naipo Shiatsu Back and Neck Massager

When I work from home, I’m always in a hunched position, which causes muscle pain. This massager has an ergonomic design and adjustable massage speed, which helps keep my neck and back pain in check. It also automatically shuts down in 20 minutes, so there’s no danger of overheating.

Take a look at my bedroom home office:

41 Bedroom Office Ideas (With Real Photos) | Buildremote (12)

– Jon Lynn of My Office Pod

Portable space heater

Keep your work area warm in winter by using a portable space heater that’s small enough to use in your bedroom workspace. You’ll save money and energy by not heating your whole home.

Take a look at my bedroom home office:

41 Bedroom Office Ideas (With Real Photos) | Buildremote (13)

Natalie Alleblas

Ticova Ergonomic Office Chair

Ticova’s ergonomic chair provides me with better neck, back, and head support when I’m working from home. This chair is recommended by the American Chiropractic Association because of its customizable head and backrest, providing the person sitting on it with the maximum amount of adaptability.

Take a look at my home office:

41 Bedroom Office Ideas (With Real Photos) | Buildremote (14)

– Susan Gagnon ofCostumes Heaven

Exercise ball

I use an exercise ball chair to strengthen my core and protect my back while working. This chair engages my abdominal muscles during the day and prevents me from slouching.

Take a look at my bedroom home office:

41 Bedroom Office Ideas (With Real Photos) | Buildremote (15)

– Jennifer Pestikas ofBrave Women at Work

Hourglass for boosting productivity

If you are someone who feels low after long screen time, get yourself a five-minute hourglass. Just turn it over and allow yourself a five-minute break after every hour of work. This will help you maintain your productivity levels by keeping you energized.

Take a look at my bedroom home office:

41 Bedroom Office Ideas (With Real Photos) | Buildremote (16)

– Sanjay Gill ofGaming Brick

How can I make an office in my bedroom?

I’ve had an office/bedroom combination for parts of three years. These are the ideas that helped me manage the situation:

  1. Create a physical divide
  2. Adopt a minimilist mindset
  3. Physically put your work away at night
  4. Purchase flexible, foldable furniture
  5. Take a window for your office
  6. Hide your bed on video calls

I wrote about how to implement each of these in more depth here:
How To Set Up A Home Office In A Bedroom

Are there downsides to having an office in your bedroom?

Absolutely. Your brain equates certain spaces with work and others with rest. When that all becomes one space, I’ve noticed a downward cycle where thinking about work effects my sleep, and thinking about sleep effects my work. If you create a physical divide between the two spaces within your room and make sure you don’t see your work from your bed, you can manage the situation for longer. But ideally it’s not permanent.

Want to add your home office/bedroom tips?

Here are some additional resources that you might find helpful.

    • How To Set Up A Home Office In A Bedroom
    • Best Home Office Desks: The Sortable List (2022)
    • Best Office Chairs: The Filterable List (2022)

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41 Bedroom Office Ideas (With Real Photos) | Buildremote (2024)
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Author: Jerrold Considine

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Name: Jerrold Considine

Birthday: 1993-11-03

Address: Suite 447 3463 Marybelle Circles, New Marlin, AL 20765

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Hobby: Air sports, Sand art, Electronics, LARPing, Baseball, Book restoration, Puzzles

Introduction: My name is Jerrold Considine, I am a combative, cheerful, encouraging, happy, enthusiastic, funny, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.